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Search results

  1. Adam L

    Trochus Snail Eggs?!

    Pretty sure this snail is laying eggs. Fish were going crazy eating them. Pretty cool. Can't upload the video - too big.
  2. Adam L

    Midas Blenny WTB

    Had a Midas blenny. Great fish. Had lid off for an hour and he jumped. Looking for a new one. If any sees one at an LFS in the south Jersey area can you give me a heads up?
  3. Adam L

    Part 1 - Alk Overdose

    So last weekend I decided to change the dosing tube on my brs dosers because always seemed to have air in the lines. Ended up siphoning like 200 ml of alk into the tank. dkh was at 18. And of course I just added lfive new sps frags 3 days prior. Did two 30 gallon water changes and added maybe...
  4. Adam L

    Pair Ocellaris Clowns

    Bought a pair of small clowns against my better judgment. Six line just beating them up. Daughter had to have them. Please take them for $10 and give them a good home! Located in Moorestown.
  5. Adam L

    Waterbox 30 AIO

    Are you impatient? Do you have an inpatient friend? I just upgraded and looking to sell my complete Waterbox rimless 30 gallon AIO. Fully cured live rock, over 5 years old. Hygger wave makers. Black Waterbox stand. Sicce return pump. Auto top off. Tunze skimmer. Even LED lighting. $525 firm...
  6. Adam L

    WB 130.4 Build

    Up and running, waiting for stabilization before I transfer from my 30AIO.
  7. Adam L

    Cotton Candy Torch

    Two heads - looking for other color morphs
  8. Adam L

    My 30 AOI Pic

    Just a tank pic.