Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
My family have been given an offer to buy a house and we are moving foreword with the purchase. I will not be able to maintain my reef due to renovations. So I’m a year I’ll be back and would like to have one person take the remaining things in my tank (so I can reach out in time for free frags)...
So I have been battling hair algae but it’s very hard to get places and I don’t want to remove rocks I have a long brush to scrub but their is only so much I can get. which brings me to my subject of matter.
A baby scopas tang in 33 long (4ft tank with plenty of scape and hiding spots)
Picked this up from madreefer few months back it’s now getting to big for my tank would like to trade for sps or lps lmk what you have I won’t mind driving
I can’t keep my po4 down I did a water change got it down to 0.11 put in some chemi pure blue on a hob after 24hrs it’s back up to .17 as my last thread I was looking for chaeto so my next move I just order the cpr job fuge last night won’t be coming till the 14th
What can I do in the meantime...
I’ll be in the market for chaeto hopefully can get some or macro algea grow out cuttings I’ll be ordering the hob cpr fuge this weekend and will need some in the coming weeks Lmk what you have and if your willing to help me out