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Search results

  1. MikeAreefs

    07728 fish & tank

    Pair of flurry clownfish $80 eat everything. Trio of lyretail anthis $50 eat pellets and frozen. Blue ribbon eel $40 eats krill 2 x 3 times a week. Aqueon 29g tank back painted with latex paint, will peel off $25, held water and fish for 2 hrs. I will also be willing to trade for anenome.
  2. MikeAreefs

    So I power bar fried

    So as my title should say my rkl pc4 power bar died. I woke up and saw it had an amber light that flashed here and there. I turned it off unplugged and replugged everything, turned on didn't work. Then I unplugged everything went to update it still same result no linking to module, walked away...
  3. MikeAreefs

    New skimmer ideas

    I think my aquatrance pump on my skimmer is about to call it quits. I think my skimmer worked well but I was never fully pleased with it. It was a reef octopus classic 160 ing space saver. I was wondering what you guys were running on your tanks that were around 90g, or what do you guys...
  4. MikeAreefs

    Throwing around ideas

    So I'm thinking about downsizing the 93 cube and setting up a clown/anenome tank. I am thinking about 2 wild blue stripes clowns. I would include carpet,sebea,and rbt anenomes. I would like to use a 29g but think that maybe the minimum possible tank size. I would not be using a lot of rock or...
  5. MikeAreefs

    Hob protein skimmer for 29g tank freehood area

    Looking to buy new or used hob for up to 50g for my 29g tank.
  6. MikeAreefs

    LTA found powerhead

    So I bought a long tentical anenome yesterday. He was doing well until I came home today and found part of him in my maxi jet. He was stiff and not singing when I freed him but know he is stinning me and soft again, he seems to be opening up to and not deflated. Other than changing carbon...
  7. MikeAreefs

    Skimmer air intake

    So I keep both inlets open to let more air in... or at least I assume that's how it works... I have been trying to get a better wet skim. My water/bubble transition is currently at bottom of collection cup. If I can close one of the inlets, other that my skimmer being quieter, would I have more...
  8. MikeAreefs

    Help id

    Was sold as a ultra green logo, could it be a wellso/trach?? Not a bad buy for $24, has some damages but I think it will heal in time. I'll trty to post another pic tomorrow when it not hungry.
  9. MikeAreefs

    Diy nopox dosing

    So I've been dosing this for 8 wks now and I haven't seen any change in my nitrates. As I've stated in my tale of the tank all lives stock does look good, we'll except for the little bit of sps I have, they are doing worse. My nitrates hang at 50ppm while my phosphates swing from .25 to .03. The...
  10. MikeAreefs

    Dosing pump 07728

    Want to buy dosing pump looking for something like jebao dp4, am interested in other units to.
  11. MikeAreefs

    Marineland 80g bio wheel hob 07728

    Free used for 6 months. Will be in garbage wenseday night if no one wants.
  12. MikeAreefs


    Does anyone know what lfs carry it?
  13. MikeAreefs

    Red mushrooms freehold nj

    I have 5 or 6 lose red mushrooms free. They grow like weeds. Here is pics of the lose ones and what the mother colony looks like. Freehold nj
  14. MikeAreefs

    DI resin near freehold

    Any one have a pound of DI resin they can sell, have a water change tomorrow and lfs is out.
  15. MikeAreefs

    More free stuff Manalapan

    More free stuff from located at my mothers house in manalapan 75 gallon tank need cleaning small sump need some tlind and 29g tank metal stand.
  16. MikeAreefs

    40 breeder brs dual reactor freehold

    Free brs reactor around 5 yrs old needs new internals, 40 gallon breeder, both need cleaning amd free for pickup.
  17. MikeAreefs

    2 40g breeders free 07728

    I have 2 40 breeders that were used for guinea pigs tanks are under 2 yrs. Old. Tanks are dirty and need to be cleaned but free to whoever can get them tomorrow. Thursday morning is bulk day.
  18. MikeAreefs

    WTB rkl stuff freehold nj

    I'm looking to buy 1 to 3 ft bus cables not sure how many I need yet I'm thinking 2 1ft cables, ph probe calibration fluids would be awesome, and slv2 module, salinity probe and calibration fluids are a thought but not a nessacary at this point.
  19. MikeAreefs

    Reefkeeper lite or apex jr ?

    Looking to get a controller soon. I'm going to start with thier smaller units and expand as I needo to. I'm sure there's guys and gals here that use both, just wondering how you like them and your experiences with them.
  20. MikeAreefs

    Mikes reefy tale

    Okay here it goes, better late than never. I started with saltwater about 12 to 13 years ago. I had a 75 gallon tank with a fuval fx 405 coral life aqualunar deluxe light and some idk maybe 1st Gen Hydor korillas. Couple months later added coral life super skimmer 125. So let's fast forward...