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Search results

  1. John M

    Aquascaping coral in my BC 32G

    When it comes to plants I have no problem with aquascaping, but when it comes to rocks I draw a blank. Here are 2 pics of the rock work I have - hammer is for scale. I know It's a little more than needed ( a little over 40lbs. ) I have about 18-19 large rocks and a few small ones - under 3"x 2"...
  2. John M

    Circulation pumps

    I ordered a new model gyre pump made for smaller tanks - Icecap 2k - for my BC 32. It was supposed to be released late November and then changed to mid-December. Now the makers - CoralVue - don't know when its being released ( must be having production problems). Anyway I'm thinking of...
  3. John M

    BC 32 setting up on nice carpet

    Any suggestions on how to protect high quality carpet around the tank. I can be a bit sloppy - my other 2 tanks are FW so I don't worry too much about getting a little water on the carpet, but the wife is concerned about SW dripping/splashing on carpet. Was thinking of getting one of those...
  4. John M

    Hello, just joined!!

    Hello all. My name is John M. I saw your club by googling reef clubs in NJ and your org. popped up. Seems like a great club! I also belong to JSAS, NJAS, BCAS and NJAGC. The last one also meets at members homes. I've been in the hobby for over 40 years all FW & planted tanks. I currently have a...