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Search results

  1. Ultimate Corals

    Huge Website Update Master Scoly, Bounce Mushrooms....

    Lot's of new goodies uploaded to www.UltimateCorals.com Here are just a few
  2. Ultimate Corals

    TONS Of SPS Corals Added To The Site!!

    We've just uploaded a ton of aqua cultured SPS frags. Acro's, Milli's, and Montipora to the site and put them ALL on SALE Here is a direct link https://ultimatecorals.com/product-category/new-category/sps/
  3. Ultimate Corals

    New arrivals at Ultimate Corals...One of a kind Bowerbanki, Ricordia,...

    Lot's of new goodies uploaded to www.UltimateCorals.com Here are just a few
  4. Ultimate Corals

    Used MP60QD For Sale

  5. Ultimate Corals

    Amazing Plate Corals Now in Stock

    These beautiful Diaseris Plate corals came in and WOW. Amazing colors and they even self frag. Here is a direct link https://ultimatecorals.com/product-category/new-category/lps/plate-coral/
  6. Ultimate Corals

    XLG Zoa Colonies Now Available!!

    We had an amazing shipment of XLG ULTRA Zoa Colonies. The colors will POP in your tank. Here is a direct link https://ultimatecorals.com/product-category/new-category/softies/zoas-and-palys/
  7. Ultimate Corals

    Blasto Blowout!!!

    Just uploaded a bunch of amazing ultra blastos to Ultimatecorals.com Here is the direct link https://ultimatecorals.com/product-category/new-category/lps/blastomussa-coral/
  8. Ultimate Corals

    Tons of new SPS frags added to the site

    We've just uploaded a ton of aqua cultured SPS frags. Acro's, Milli's, and Montipora to the site and put them ALL on SALE Here is a direct link https://ultimatecorals.com/product-category/new-category/sps/
  9. Ultimate Corals

    UC Spicy Banana Cynarina

  10. Ultimate Corals

    Holiday Blowout Sale 40% OFF!!

    We've added a ton of new corals to www.UltimateCorals.com with huge discounts. Use the code HOLIDAYBLOWOUT for 40% off This sale expires 12/27/2021 Code can not be used on prior purchases Here are just a few of the goodies up on the site
  11. Ultimate Corals

    New Arrivals At Ultimate Corals - Rainbow Cynarina Zoas Etc

    Lot's of new goodies uploaded to www.UltimateCorals.com Here are just a few
  12. Ultimate Corals

    CyberWeek Sale at Ultimate Corals 40% OFF

    We've added a ton of new corals to www.UltimateCorals.com with huge discounts. Use the code CYBERWEEK for 40% off This sale expires 12/5/2021 Code can not be used on prior purchases Here are just a few of the goodies up on the site
  13. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals Black Friday SALE!!!!!!!

    Details coming SOON!!!!
  14. Ultimate Corals

    HUGE SPS Update at UltimateCorals.com

    HUGE SPS update uploaded to https://ultimatecorals.com/product-category/new-category/sps/ Here are just a few of the goodies on the site Any questions let us know 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19...
  15. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals Early Black Friday Sale

    We've added a ton of new corals to www.UltimateCorals.com with huge discounts. Use the code EARLYBF for 25% off This sale expires 11/15/2021 Code can not be used on prior purchases Here are just a few of the goodies up on the site
  16. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals Halloween SALE!!! Don't Miss It!!

    We've lowered the price and put a bunch of new corals and nems on sale for this weekend. https://www.ultimatecorals.com/ Pictures can be seen on our Facebook page as well https://www.facebook.com/UltimateCorals Be sure to go to https://www.ultimatecorals.com/ and sign up for our...
  17. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals Double Value Ultra Grab Bags Are Back!!

    Ultimate Corals Ultra Grab Bags Are BACK!!! https://ultimatecorals.com/product/ultra-grab-bag/ Here is a great way to add some color to your tank. You pick out your size grab bag (purchase multiple for a larger order) and then just give us an idea of the types of corals you'd like to see and...
  18. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals BLOWOUT Sale! - SHOP NOW

    Ultimate Corals BLOWOUT Sale! https://www.ultimatecorals.com/ Rainbow Ricordia - $30 Ultra Acan Frags - $30 Rainbow Acan Frags - $60 Ultra SPS Frags - $30 Ultra Zoa/Paly Frags and Mini Colonies - Starting at $30 Aqua Cultured WWC Hawaiian Punch Bubble Tip Anemones - $100 Ultra Chalice...
  19. Ultimate Corals

    Aqua Cultured WWC Hawaiian Punch Bubble Tip Anemones!!

    These have been aqua cultured for many generations at this point. Super BRIGHT and colorful wwc hawaiian punch bubble anemone - Ultimate Corals
  20. Ultimate Corals

    We bring Reefapalooza to you!!

    Can't make it to Reefapalooza this weekend? No worries. We bring it to you!! We've uploaded a ton of sweet new corals to www.UltimateCorals.com including master scolys, aquaculture jawbreakers, and so much more. Here are just a few of the goodies up on the site