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I have heard about berghias eating aipatasia....what is your opinion..i thought for my nano tank since its so small one berghia should be fine. I understand after they die after but i tried the aiptasia x. But that didnt work and i dont like that stuff in the tank. So that was a waste of...
Can someone tell me about media....i bought floss..phosgard..chemipure blue...and taking the foam out..carbon..and bioballs that came with the fluval evo..and replacing it with the that correct. I do all 3 things at the same time. To reduce algae..and hopefully more...
Im about had it. Everyday i wake up and find something new. Hopefully this is a good thing to have. Im battling hydroids. Little feedings...kill em when i see them. My beautiful zoas are still struggling to thrive. Picking up some peppermint shrimp this week to eat them. Now hair...
I have a pipefish and i usually buy the copepods and amphipods from aquarium depot...but i wanted to try the live aphipods only but with the cost of them... i dont know how to tell if im buying quality or just a bottle of water. Any suggestions??? With a low shipping cost...i was on
So i checked in on our 60 gallon which my husband is starting again. We had this feather duster that was big and beautiful...tonight he said to get some pics of it but when i went in to do that i wasnt expecting that!
It was underneath between the zoa rock. My zoas are doing pretty bad. They wont open fully had them for about 2 weeks. I did a peroxide dip which they really hated. I pulled it off. It was soft but really was hard to pull off. It popped and the deep red stuff was inside. The egg looking thing...
So you all know that i have been having trouble with my zoas not looking good..i was hesitant on doing a peroxide dip. Im still not sure if it was a good thing or not. But when i did i noticed this on one of my zoas. The red thing was soft but was stuck on the bottom of the zoa and the otjer...
So after dipping my zoas, their doing better. Ive been keeping my white lights off and just leaving the actinic on. Zoas are still new their on the bottom and look good. But i try to put the bright lights on which are the stock leds from the fluval evo...they close up again. But what about the...
So i have a hi fin red banded goby who keeps going in where my pump and heater are located in my fluval evo so when i did my water change i tried to get him out. Of course he jumped and landed on the floor. Hes so tiny i picked him up and he bit and hung onto my finger. ( they have teeth) lol...