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Search results

  1. B

    Frags for sale or trade

    Hi, I have some frags for sale or trade: Purple digi - $5 - 2 available Chalice (hollywood stunner maybe) - $10 Green monti cap - $10 Photosynthetic gorg - $20 - 3 available, $25 - 1 available Pics: Purple digi Chalice Green monti cap and it's mother colony (not for sale)...
  2. B

    Contractor to repave driveway?

    Can anyone recommend a contractor who can repave a cracked driveway? I live in Union 07083 in Union County. I'd like to get quotes from a couple of people. Thx in advance!!
  3. B

    Orange cap

    Hi NJRC, I have a small orange cap frag I can give away. Let me know if you're interested. 1. pick up in Union, NJ 07083 weeknights and weekends. 2. if I lose my colony, pls be kind enough to give me a frag. 3. no selling. pls share. Thanks!!
  4. B

    Phosphate test kit: Hanna Phosphate, Hanna Phosphorus or something else?

    hi, i would like to start testing for phosphate on my system. it is a 120 gal mixed reef tank with new sand and mostly established live rocks. it has been running steadily for only about 2 months. i've seen dinos on the sand based on the new tank syndrome. corals and fish all seem to be doing...
  5. B

    FREE: 2x 250w metal halide retrofit kit

    Hi NJRC, I am giving this away for free. It's a dual 250w halide retrofit kit. It has been finicky since I got it. One side lights up all the time and the other does not most of the time. It could be loose wiring or a bad ballast. Either way, I don't have the time or know-how to get this...
  6. B

    WTB: 20 gallon for a quarantine tank

    Looking for a QT tank. I have a 30 gal i can trade if you want. The 30 was used for QT (no meds tho) but still too big. Thx!!
  7. B

    Free crab!!

    I found this guy as a hitch hiker on my live rocks. About 1-1.5 inch. Pickup in 07083. Thanks!!
  8. B

    WTB: Mag 7 and Koralia 1400 powerhead

    I'm looking for these items to complete an upgrade. I live in NJ but work by Grand Central in NYC. Thanks!! Jun
  9. B

    WTB Live sand

    Hi, im looking for live sand. No crushed corals or black live sand. I need at least 80 lbs. Thx!! Jun
  10. B

    Can anyone lend a hand with an upgrade?

    So my wife and I decided to upgrade from a 34 gal Solana to a 120 gal tank! It is a full setup including the fish, a couple of corals and 2 RBTAs. The tank's condition is not the best. The owner said the tank crashed during Sandy and he lost motivation after that to maintain the tank. So there...
  11. B

    Boostled Reef Clamp lamp

    hi, i am looking to buy one locally if you are not using it. i already have the light but would like the clamp lamp. if anyone has a spare of is not using one, please let me know. thanks!!
  12. B

    Cabbage leather coral free

    Hi, I got a bunch of these corals a while back. After placing some cabbage leather on my DT and my in-laws' tank, I still have some left. Let me know if you want one. I may have 2 or 3 pieces left. I can probably frag the bigger piece into 2 if there is a lot of interest. The size of the...