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Search results

  1. Martin Riggs

    Looking for reef pests

    Starting a new tank of a small size. Looking for anyone who want to pass over some asterina stars and brittle stars or any other reef pests.
  2. Martin Riggs

    Hydor Koralia 565 gph Nano 20-40 gal

    Finally upgraded to. Icecap 3k gyre. Love it. This one up for grabs. Pm me.
  3. Martin Riggs

    First saltwater tank

    I posted over in plans and ideas thread. Now time for the updates 55 gal tank 60 pounds live aragonite sand 20 pounds Fiji live rock Finnex 300 watt heater with controller Finnex 24/7+ Marine 48in led Modified aqua clear 110. Running half cut sponge, Micron filter both seperared by eggcrate...
  4. Martin Riggs

    Finnex Marine + 24/7 48in.

    Anyone have this light? I'm looking into some insight about how I can mount this better on the tank rim. It comes with plastic screws that would pinch the tank but the rim is to thick. So it is just resting across opposite sides.
  5. Martin Riggs

    Launching tank today. First time reefer.

    Kind of nervous launching my first reef tank. The specs. 55 gallon long, modified aqua clear 110, 60 pounds live sand aragonite and a finnex 300 Watt heater. Was gonna add live sand first then add my saltwater. I'm not mixing myself. Gonna wait for things to settle then run my filter. How...
  6. Martin Riggs


    decided on a new route for my lids for my tank. Anyone have some laying around before I got to the depot to buy a lighting diffuser.
  7. Martin Riggs

    New to hobby. Looking for a good pump to put water in tank

    Hello all first time poster, short time lurker. I'm about done with buying my equipment for launching my reef. I need advice on a good small pump to pump saltwater above 4 ft. Ground level to top of tank. Was looking at rio plus 800. Open to suggestions.