• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. mikem

    How do you calibrate a temp. probe?

    Came home and my ACJR's temp. was reading 107degrees. I stuck my hand in the sump and the water only felt like 80. What would I use to recalibrate my probe? Thanks in advance.
  2. mikem

    Happy Birthday Phil519

    Happy Birthday Phil. Thanks for all the effort you put into the club.
  3. mikem

    Exotic Zoo's for July's Meeting Raffle

    Theres some nice raffle items for this months meeting in Boonton NJ. This Sunday the 27th. Heres your chance to win some hard to find zoo's. We have a 6 polyup (+ babies) of Nuc. Greens. Look at the GLOW of these pink unnamed zoo's. Theres only one other person around with pinks this bright...
  4. mikem

    Whats wrong with my Desktop?

    Help Please. My Desktop keeps shutting down every minute. I thought it might be a virus or something. I formatted the hard-drive and reinstalled XP. It still keeps shutting down. The PC is less then a year old. Could it be the power box? Please advise in laymen terms. I've been using my laptop...
  5. mikem

    What pump to use.

    I picked up 2 sea swirls 3/4inch .Need openions on what kind of in sump pumps to run them. Can I use 1 pump to run them both or 1 for each one. I have plenty of flow already. Just got a good deal on them and want to use them. Thanks in advance.
  6. mikem


  7. mikem

    Aptasia Experiment

    I was looking in my sump tonight and found two large Aptasias. I looked around for some Joe's Juice or Kalk powder. Didn't have any. Oh Ohh. What can I do? I found a bottle of Seachem Reef Dip, filled a syringe from a test kit and started my experiment. I tried 1 drop and nothing. Two drops in...
  8. mikem

    2008- 2009 Meeting Schedule

    We're looking for people to host a meeting for the 2008 and 2009 meeting calendar. Please chime in if you'd be interested in reserving a month in 2008 or 2009 and which one. We would also like to thank all the Hosts and their family's for opening up their homes to us in 2007. If you hosted a...
  9. mikem

    Any LFS sell DC8's or 4's

    My DC8 went on me last night. Can't wait for shipping from an on line vendor. Chillers down and don't want to turn on the 400watt Halides or I'll have to run the chiller manually. Any other suggestions if a LFS don't have them in stock? Thanks.
  10. mikem

    Now heres a PICO

    It's amazing what some people can think of. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1134682
  11. mikem

    Happy Mothers Day

    Happy Mothers Day to all the MOM's out here.
  12. mikem

    Congrats cmsurfr22

    Congrats on making it in Reefkeeping mag. " Why reefers don't sleep at night." 3rd top ten answers. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2007-05/tt/index.php
  13. mikem


    Do you paint boats too, or just cars? I was thinking of getting my boat painted this year. Tired of seeing just white. If so, I was thinking of something fancy from the waterline, up and around to the inside. LMK what you think.
  14. mikem

    DIY 110gal stand and canopy build

    I'm switching my 75gal softie tank over to a 110gal softie tank. Just thought someone might get some ideas from mine when they build theirs. Mine is a bit overkill on the lumber cause I'm always standing on the stand to work in there, so I built the stand 8inches wider all the way around. Frame...
  15. mikem


    How ya doing?
  16. mikem

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter everyone. Hope the Easter Bunny left some of us fish instead of chocolate.
  17. mikem

    Happy Pres. Day Phyl

    And Brian
  18. mikem

    Is this a Mantis

    Was breaking up some big pieces of rock and found this guy. Tried picking him up with my hands and he started making snapping sounds with his big claw. Scared the s*** out of me. Anyone have any use for him?
  19. mikem

    ACJR reprogram help

    How do I reset the default program on the ACJR? I try to retype everything in but keep getting a run time error 5. Whatever that means. This happened after I tried upgrading to the new aquanotes. TIA.
  20. mikem

    Coral food

    Has anyone ever tried Reef-roids from Polyp Lab? I recieved a free sample from www.finsreef.com . I tried it and my sun corals opened up for the first time during the day. Mike