Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I got this new LED bulb in today, mainly just to give it a shot and see what happens. I don't currently have any lighting that would support coral growth, as I've just been working on keeping my water parameters stable and enjoying the few fish I have. But I figured for $20 and after reading...
So this weekend I picked up 40 breeder and I will be making a DIY sump. What are some of your favorite designs / must haves in your sumps. Also what are some over rated features. Need some help with how to move forward
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Now that my tank is moved and as I finish up my new sump, I'm looking to some new live stock to my tank. I dont want alot of fish and need something that's easy to maintain as Im still working keeping my tank healthy. I have a 60 gallon and soon to be 40 gallon sump with a refugium. I have an...
So I've been running my tank with a bare bottom recently, but since I'm moving the location of the tank and re-scaping it i figured now was as good as ever to add sand. I've read good things about the Fiji pink? Is that good sand? and if so wheres the cheapest place to get it? Also when I get...
I had gotten a 40 breeder sump set up over the summer and I'm just getting to setting up now on the tank. The only issue is that it had been drilled. It has two holes in it one about 3" and the other about 2". Where can I get bulkheads so I can plug these holes? and What size should I get?
Im working on putting together a refugium the will sit above my tank, i would like to drill it so it will overflow into my display tank. Looking to do a smaller hole but bigger is one as i can use reducers.
Does anyone have a drill bit i could possible borrow to drill a tank. Or id be...
I currently have just have some basic fluorescent lights that came with the tank, Id like to upgrade them to something that will help me be able to put some corals and stuff. Anyone have anything laying around they are looking to get rid off?
Im looking for a few small pieces of live rock to help seed my tank and get some growth going. especially some coraline. Im also look for a a piece or two to complete my aquascape. I have two sections of rock and I'm looking to connect them with an arch across the center of the tank.
And so it begins…
It’s time to begin my journey in to the wonderful world of reefing. I’ve been wanting to get into the salt water world for many years but haven’t had the itch or the ability to get it done. Now that we own a home and the major remolding and construction are done with, (it...
Im currently cycling a 65 gallon tank with ro water that i got from a friend. Ive tested my houses water supply and my city water was 286 TDS, but also have a well that i use to water my garden and stuff and that came up as 15 TDS. I can easily hook up my well to a slop sink in my basement. SO...
I currently have a 46 Bow front that I have just started cycling. After having it in place for a few days i don't like the way it looks. It doesn't fit right in the cabinet I have for it. I would like to up grade the tank to fill out the space better. Im just having a hard time finding a tank...
I currently have a 46 Bow front that I have just started cycling. After having it in place for a few days i don't like the way it looks. It doesn't fit right in the cabinet I have for it. I would like to up grade the tank to fill out the space better. Im just having a hard time finding a...