Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Hi Everyone,
I no longer need any of this. Pick up only please. I live in the 07747 and work in 08869. I can also bring it closer to you if it helps.
Reef Keeper MLC modules(2)- $35 ea.
white pods(5)- $5 ea.
blue pods(6)- $5 ea.
RKE Net Module(1) this is the older one that comes with the SID...
I have a used sunlight supply TEK light that is a 6x80 watt 60". It has a splash shield but it does start to bow with the heat from the lamps ( i might have been running them to long). It comes with 4 ati blue plus, 1 aquablue special and 1 purple plus bulbs all used for about 4-5...
I recently contacted my town and we apparently only use new jersey water september to april. He said that the line remains open and that i should just treat the water as if it contains chloramine because it could be present. Will the chloramine filters(gac and block) remove chlorine as...
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was not paying attention. She grabbed her media reactor out of her sump and carried the smelly thing away. As she was cleaning it in the kitchen, something was happening in her stand. What could it be? you ask. Well, the tubing for the ATO had come...
Just for giggles.
My dream fish was a dog-faced puffer. I researched for quite a few months and then special ordered a tank to accommodate her. I knew going in she was a "fin nipper" "Semi-Aggressive"and a "predator". Well, for Christmas I bought the cutest and tiniest little puppy...
I have a 150 that is already getting a little warm with my t5 lights. It is 77.9 at the moment with a household fan blowing on the sump. I cut the main light and have put on the 2 blues to try to cut down on heat. What chiller do you guys recommend? I was not planning on getting one...
Hi all,
I did not realize when i purchased quite a few of these that they would eat my other snails. So, if you want some let me know. If you are close to 07747 I will bring them to you myself. I am not sure how many i have in their at the moment but at least 10.
thanks for looking.
I was wondering if I am the only one who seems to show up when stores are closed? It has happened twice, at 2 different stores, that were supposedly "open". If anyone out there has actual store hours for reefs to reptiles and aquatic obsession I would love to see an update? Maybe it's...
Last night:
1. My Kole Tang started floating around the bottom of the tank tail up. Could barely swim. I moved her to my refugium so she wouldn't get tossed around. She looks like she has scratches on her side but that's it. Any Idea???? she is looking better now.
2. My harbor goby also...