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Search results

  1. BryanDuggan

    Not sure what this is....

    This is semi hard, has no polyps or tentacles, grows back when I break it off, and a bit of a mystery to me? Any idea??
  2. BryanDuggan

    Glueing Stuff

    I've tried the epoxy they sell at the pet shop and it seems to always set too fast, never sticking things where I want them. What do you use?
  3. BryanDuggan

    Total live rock replacement?

    Been battling hair algae for a while. Identified the source of no4 and po4 and started running gfo. Got the source in check but HA persists. I have an urchin, which seems to do very little. I just got a sea hare yesterday too. I have almost no coralline algae in my tank and I see some good deals...
  4. BryanDuggan

    WTB - Rastas, Fruit Loops, Hornets

    I'm located in Flemington, so South Jersey would be a hike, but let me know what you have :)
  5. BryanDuggan

    Chloramine temporarily replaced with "free Chlorine" in NJ

    I don't know if this affects anything any differently than the chloramines, but given the working of the article I'd suspect it does. http://watchung-greenbrook.patch.com/groups/around-town/p/temporary-change-to-water-treatment-coming-for-6-nj-counties-watchung-greenbrook
  6. BryanDuggan

    Source of p04? Could it come from the water bottles??

    30G nano with 10g sump, one year old system. Trying to find the source of my p04. Last week it was 0 on the Hannah, today after a 10g WC my Hannah is reading .12 I feed a small amount of formula pellets to my 4 small fish every 3-4 days. I use ro/di I run a skimmer, tweaking it often to get...
  7. BryanDuggan

    How do i prevent an overflow?

    This is a question that's been bugging me for a while. When the power to the return pump is turned off I have to suck the air out of that U bend to get the flow going again. I'm concerned that if I have a brief power loss when I'm not home that I'll end up over flowing the DT, and...
  8. BryanDuggan

    Power Head Suggestion for 30G Cube

    So I met up with Ron (RWC) last night, he hooked me up with some amazing free frags!!! While I was there I saw how a tank is done right, and he imparted some of his reef wisdom that I'm looking to put into practice. I don't have nearly enough flow in my tank. I have a $40 pwr head, no idea the...
  9. BryanDuggan

    Lighting question - running all blues

    During a trip to Fengs shop he told me that algae prefers the red end of the spectrum so as much as possible he only runs the blue lights. This appeals to me for two reasons, I've been battling algae, and I like that some of my corals fluoresce. But am I making a mistake running all blues? I've...
  10. BryanDuggan

    RO/DO Units - how many stages do I want/need?

    I'm looking for an RO/DI unit that can also supply us with drinking water. I'm so confused as to whether I want 3, 4 or 5 stage??? Anyone have a quick synopsis of the advantages?
  11. BryanDuggan

    Started using GFO

    I started running BRS gfo/carbon last week, half the recommended amount to start. P04 is down to 0 from .03. I hadn't checked nitrates before, I should have, but when I checked tonight they're at 40! Obviously I'll do a water change ASAP but am I right in assuming the algae dying off is causing...
  12. BryanDuggan

    Just ordered my first Favia

    I'm so psyched to get this in the mail! Hopefully it will do well enough for me I can share some frags :)
  13. BryanDuggan

    Algae problems but PO4 is .03?

    I've had some cyano, hair algae, then brown strings with bubbles, and my glass needs to be cleaned daily. It's much better than it was 3 weeks ago (reduced feeding and lighting) but I decided to take control of it and add a gfo/carbon reactor. I checked just now and my new Hanna meter says .03...
  14. BryanDuggan

    BRS Dual reactor vs Deluxe for GFO/Carbon

    I ordered a deluxe reactor for my 30 gallon nano from BRS, and planned to run both GFO and Carbon. I was sent a dual reactor instead. I'm inclined to return it for two reasons: Reasons to return: I have a small tank stand to work in, I can make it work, but it will be a pain The deluxe...
  15. BryanDuggan

    Sump for 30G oceanic cube 18"x17" max dimensions

    Looking for a sump for an oceanic 30g nano. Stand dimensions are 18x17. I'm also in the market for an ato and two part do sings pumps. Bryan Duggan (908)421-4070 Bridgewater NJ
  16. BryanDuggan

    Low Salinity

    So this is a newbie question, and I think I know the answer, but I want to be sure: My salinity is too low, 1.022, so I did a water change, and my thought is to replace the evaporated water with salt water (instead of RODI) until the salinity raises to 1.026. Are there are issues with doing...
  17. BryanDuggan

    Evil ex cooked my tank

    I went on vacation two weeks ago to Florida. My wife and I are divorcing and I asked someone to come feed the fish while I was gone. I got home and it was 98 degrees and almost everything was dead, my sps, my prized maxima, birds nest coral, acans, softies, everything but my zoas was dead. I...
  18. BryanDuggan

    Pink thingy

    I picked this up at Fengs yesterday. Now for the life of me I cannot remember what its called and I want to research its needs. I will admit it was an impulse buy, the color really pops! Feng told me to put it in a low flow area, which I did. Take a look and let me know what you think this is...
  19. BryanDuggan

    Beginner 2 part dosing question

    I did a 10 gallon water change yesterday on my 30G nano. Tonight I tested. The only thing that is low is my ALK. SG - 1.025 Nitrates - 0 Calcium - 500 Mg - 1600 Kdh - 6 I bought B-ionic 2 part today, diluted it, and tomorrow I'll be able to add it. Am I correct in thinking I should...
  20. BryanDuggan

    New Maxima Clam :)

    Part of reason for me entering this hobby was to get a clam. I was amazed by them when I was "down under". Picked this guy up from downbeach today, he's even better looking than the photos! Thanks for the sps frags too, they look amazing! My tank is really starting to come together :)