Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I'm in the process of removing several fish from my tank as I'm going to migrate back to a reef tank. Anyway, here is my stocking plan in order that I'm thinking of adding. Tank is a 4'x2'x2' with a 40 gal sump that has been up since before Sandy (when I lost my coral and went into my fish...
Here's my story. Back before Sandy, I had just gotten my 120 up and running. Then all the coral died off, like what happened to most. Since then I have started and stopped as family health issues took priority.
I'm not sitting here with a 120g that has 1 true percula, 1 junior emporata, 1...
I had some of the original vortech 40s when they came out. The noise drove me bonkers, but I had them turned up looking for max flow when I was going to go with sps. I took them out. Wetsides are shot and I'm thinking of tossing the controllers on the shelf.
Now that I'm going to focus on...
Ok so I went cheap and got 3 mars aqua 165 units for my 120. Now I already regret it just for the fact that I need to some type of controller timer setup. All I want to do is control when the fixtures go on since I don't think I can ramp them. Each light has a full color spectrum channel and...
Am pretty sure my new rbta is happy but how do I tell? Within an hour one of my clarkis took to it but I wan2to make sure he's ok. Lighting is a but yellow due to horrible phone cam. Feng's recommendation was not much flow but plenty of light. I have only an eheim 1262 for my 120. Took out...
I currently have an 8x54 ATI powermodule. It's a great fixture but I want to move to LEDs for my 4x2x2 120. Had been fish only since Sandy killed all the coral, but I want to add back in a gbta, some frogspawn, gsp and maybe a brain or two. I want to go to LEDs only. I'm tired of replacing...
Bought this unit 6 years ago and have never done anything to it. Used it for a year, and then started buying my water due to some house issues.
What would I have to do to start using this again? Do I need to replace the membranes? Or just turn on the faucet and go? I'm so out of the loop...
I'd sent a note via the contact info but never heard back to that email or the login issue email I'd sent. I'm specifically interested in trying to dig through old group buy info to see if I can dig up the details on my RODI system I purchased a few years ago.
Have a 4x2x2 120g tank and want to build a canopy for 2 leds that I'm going to get from Feng. I'm looking for canopy plan options. Something that will hold the two lights but still provide good access to get in the tank.
Couldn't even locate my old profile so had to create a new username. Have a 120g, with 40g sump and had a small refugium. Brew my water in the basement and pump up to the first floor.
Looks like a lot has changed in the last 2-3 years. Sandy pretty much wiped me out and I'm finally going...