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Search results

  1. David

    Corral behavior

    This shrimp likes to hang out right there on these zoa's. They use to close up when he stepped on them. Now I've noticed, they barely react. Interesting example of Learned behavior in a colony of primitive animals.
  2. David

    Algae scrubber

    I added an algae scrubber from Santa Monica filtration. It's been running for a little over 2 weeks. It went through a brown slime phase, and is now growing green algae. I don't know weather to attribute this to the scubber or not, but my tank has improved. Glass Is staying cleaner, coral looks...
  3. David

    Emerald crab sighting

    My emeral crab is out today. Haven't seen it in at least a month. Good little critter. Took care of my bubble algae in about 2 weeks. I got it back in August. Glad to see it. I was starting to wonder if it croaked.
  4. David

    Free green star polyp.

    I have green star polyp growing on the glass of my aquarium. It is real easy to peel off in sheets if anyone wants it. It's nice looking stuff, but it grows fast, so I'm looking to trim some back, and give it away. I'm in north jersey. Pm me if interested.
  5. David

    Protein skimmer problem.

    I have a bubble magus hob (hang on back) protein skimmer. When I set up my tank I bought this brand new and it broke in a few days. It skimmed well for several months. Then one day it just stopped producing. It been several months since it has skimmed. I have torn it down several times. It's...
  6. David

    Fish not eating misys shrimp.

    In the last week or so, I have noticed my fish are not eating frozen mysis shrimp. They pick at it a bit, and often spit it out. They eat live black worms very aggressively. They feed normally on flake. The mysis shrimp batch expires in 2018. This is not a new purchased batch. I've been feeding...
  7. David

    RO auto shut off.

    Does anyone know of a timer I can plumb into my ro water system? I leave it on and waste it. It's in my basement, and I have kids and all kinds of distractions. I've overflowed more ro down the drain than I've used in my tank. I left it on and went to work once. They make plenty of timers...
  8. David

    hammer killing torch.

    I have a torch coral that was doing well and growing nicely. I added a hammer coral right next to it a week and a half ago. Now the hammer is thriving, but the torch is suffering. I moved it away. I was under the impresion that these corals would not fight. Could it be that the hammer is...
  9. David

    Fish hut saddle brook.

    Fish hut in Saddle Brook is having an event on apr 22. Reference flyer below.
  10. David

    What to test for.

    I curently have test kits for ammonia, nitrites/trates, phosphates, ph, & calcium. All perimeters are stable. What else is nessasary to test for? If my ph is stable, is it nessasarry to test alkalinity? All my corals are growing and have nice colors. There is no algae in the tank at all. No bad...
  11. David

    Blue snowflake polyp.

    Does anyone want this frag of blue snowflake polyp, with a few zoanthids mixed in? It's nice, and healthy. I'm in Little Ferry NJ. If you want it, make arraignment s to come get it. Free.
  12. David

    Transporting coral

    Does anyone have any experience buying coral and transporting it with them on an airline flight. Can somthing like that be carried on a plane? I would have the coral for a little over 24 hrs befor I get it to my tank.
  13. David

    Leaving tank for the first time.

    I've left my aquarium for the first time since building it. I'm on vac in fl. The system seems pretty stable, and I prepaired daily feeding portions for my friend who is feeding and adding TO water. It's a big step, but the tank has been running realy good for the last 3 weeks, with nitrates, &...
  14. David

    Watchman goby.

    Just got a new yellow watchman goby. Took about 4 minutes to find the pistol shrimp. Goby went right to it as soon as it spoted it.
  15. David


    Is it normal to get several aptiasia on almost every frag I buy, or should I look for a new place to buy them? I'm able to kill them & within a few weeks of treatment they stop returning. I buy them from a local general pet shop. They sell birds mammals reptiles etc, as well as fish.
  16. David

    New to hobby. 10 gal reef tank.

    Started up my tank in early January. I have a 10 gal display, 4 gal sump, with 10 lbs live rock up top and a few lbs in the sump. Stocking is 2 occelaris, pistol shrimp and Nass snails. Sadly I just lost my yellow watchman goby. realy cool fish, I will be getting another. I think it was a...
  17. David

    My new nano reef

    I have started my first new saltwater aquarium. I used a 10 gal display tank. With 10 lbs of cured live rock and a 2. To 3" deep sand bed. The display tank was started at the beginning of jan. I added a dump about a month later with 4 additional galons. There is approx 2 lbs of live rock in the...