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Search results

  1. SeahorseKeeper

    Aww man, went to Aquarium Center today

    For some reason, I randomly decided to go to Aquarium Center in Blackwood. Typically, this is not something that I do. I maybe venture in once a year. Well, I went in today and was shocked. The frag tank had many frags at different price points. Pretty much all the corals looked good. I spotted...
  2. SeahorseKeeper

    Fuzzy dwarf lion fish 08012

    Free to good home fuzzy dwarf lion fish. It eats frozen.
  3. SeahorseKeeper

    WTB: Hosting Anemone

    I'm in desperate search of a hosting anemone. Preferably, I would like a bubble tipped. My clown has lost its protection from its anemone and I can't find a replacement nearby.
  4. SeahorseKeeper

    That Pet Place January Frag Swap

    It's on January 25. Anyone plan on going?
  5. SeahorseKeeper

    Could the Cujo coral get an ID??

    Here is Cujo: I am thinking Stylocollenia??
  6. SeahorseKeeper

    Atlanta Reef Club helping Sandy victims

    Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/182036965318156/?ref=22 I think it is an awesome thing that they are doing.
  7. SeahorseKeeper

    Ultra Corals

    So, I finally made it over to Ultra Corals and I must say I was impressed. I had coordinated with Steve to have 3 seahorses that were captive bred available. The seahorses look fantastic and are settling into their new home quite nicely. The fish and corals all looked awesome. I would highly...
  8. SeahorseKeeper

    AquaC Remora Skimmer and Misc Things for Sale

    I cleaned out my fish tank closet and found out that I had a bunch of stuff collecting dust. AquaC Remora HOB Skimmer: $75. It will come with a lightly used maxi jet 1200. The skimmer was in use for less than a year. Maxi Jet 1200: $15. Barely used. I think I may have used it to...
  9. SeahorseKeeper

    Mp 10

    For sale, MP10. I am asking $165 and would prefer to do local pick up (Located 08012). It is wireless. I have been using it for about a year and a half with no issues. Oh and I have the spacer for it. Pics: Manufacturing date: Wet side: Dry side: Controller: Any...
  10. SeahorseKeeper

    Leaping Clownfish

    I was doing tank maintenance today and my clown would not stop biting me. Then, when I was doing maintenance outside of the tank the clown would come to the surface and spit water at me. Finally, I guess it decided it wanted to get me one more time and leaped out of the tank into my shirt...
  11. SeahorseKeeper

    So ugly it's cute

    Found this thread on R2R: http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/fish-discussion/120102-fish-night.html I think the blob fish is kinda gross looking and cute at the same time...
  12. SeahorseKeeper

    SeahorseKeeper's 55 Reef (pic intensive)

    My 55 gallon tank has been running since June 2010. This tank has evolved a lot since I first set it up. Here is some info on the current setup: Equipment: Fluval canister filter Deltec MCE 600 skimmer that I have a love/hate relationship with X 2 MP10's that are run antisync on reef...
  13. SeahorseKeeper

    Pair of Occellaris Clowns

    I have a pair of clowns that I need to rehome. The only reason I am doing this is because I just won a pair of clowns on R2R. I figure I am getting a free pair of clowns so can someone else. I am located near Aquarium Center. Here are the clowns:
  14. SeahorseKeeper

    Deltec MCE 600 Skimmer

    It is about 10 months old. Price is $250. I can post pics later.
  15. SeahorseKeeper

    Bicolor Pseudochromis and Yellow Watchman Goby

    I would like to rehome my bicolor pseudo and yellow watchman goby. These two fish are not compatible with each other. The bicolor is aggressive to it. Located 08012.
  16. SeahorseKeeper

    Moonachie, NJ

    I have a friend (in the hobby) that is going to be Moonachie, NJ next week for work. He wants to know about the area and any stores he should check out. I have no clue about that area.
  17. SeahorseKeeper

    Anyone have any aquascaping tips or tricks to share?

    I have read several threads on aquascaping and it doesn't seem to help me. I am not an artistic person so the articles don't click with me. So I wanted to know does anyone have any tips or tricks they can share with me?
  18. SeahorseKeeper

    Lemon Peel, Starry Blenny, and Bicolor Pseudo 08012

    My lemon peel and starry blenny are proving to not be reef safe. I am looking to get rid of both of them. Price is $15 for the blenny and $20 for the angel. The bicolor has a bold personality and I can't add new fish or shrimp to my tank. The bicolor is $10. I will also entertain offers for...
  19. SeahorseKeeper

    The Journey of my Seahorse Tank

    It all started with a "clearance" price and an extra 30% off of the tank and stand. The tank is a half moon 30 gallon and the height makes it perfect for seahorses. Now, the height makes rock work a pain, so I went with a foam rock wall. Here are some pics from the beginning: Now some...