Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
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Lot's of amazing pieces came in this week including long stem gold torches, ultra blastos, aussie green hammers and torches, and much more.
We are also fully stocked up LRS Reef Frenzy. The best food on the market and the only frozen...
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A huge order from Indonesia just landed and we have all sorts of XL combo rocks, favias, blastos, zoas, palys, and so much more.
Prices good 7/2-7/7
All $5/$20/$30 frags Buy 1 Get 1 Free...
To make it a little easier on everyone heading out to the meeting I am going to open up at 11am. Should give everyone plenty of time to snag some goodies before the meeting :)
Be sure to txt me at 973-723-9917 if you'd like to stop by.
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Some amazing new zoas came in including one of our favorites "Fruit Loops"
Prices good 6/27-6/30
All frags Buy 2 Get 1 Free
Fiji Ultra Favia's. All on sale for $60 or 2 for $80
All sorts of goodies came today for this weekend. Ultra zoas and palys, Rainbow blasto wellsi's, toxic hammer, scoly's, bright neon green striped wellso, hot pink dendro colony, hot pink milli, favias and so much more. Your not going to want to miss out this weekend. I should have some pics up...
Tons of large zoa rocks came in covered in yellow, green, and red polyps. Oh and they're on special this week.
Prices good 6/19-6/23
All frags Buy 2 Get 1 Free
Fiji Ultra Favia's. All on sale for $60 or 2 for $80
Rainbow Hammers - $100 (Amazing mix...
Time to make some room so let's have a huge one day blow out sale. Many of these corals are below wholesale pricing!!
One Day Blowout Sale!!
Prices good 6/14 ONLY
All Frags are Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Fiji Ultra Favia's. All on sale for $60 or 2 for $80
Tons of large zoa rocks came in covered in yellow, green, and red polyps. Oh and they're on special this week.
Prices good 6/5-6/9
Fiji Ultra Favia's. All on sale for $60 or 2 for $100
Rainbow Hammers - $100 (Amazing mix of pink, yellow, orange, and...