Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Met up with jesse a few weeks ago and picked up a dolley and a 55 gallon barrel. Great quality and nice guy to deal with. Make sure you do not stop at the Raccoon City Police Department on the way there (i jest). ;)
Anyways - forgot to post up this plug for him.
So the cuke i have via the group buy- spent all of one day on the sand and then disappeared on me....then suddenly reappeared last night...on top of my LR structure - like in the middle of the tank. What's up with that?
The guy has been seemingly useless for my sandbed.
On the other hand the...
As usual always a pleasure to stop in and say hello to the gang here. Last time in I had the distinct pleasure of listening to ethan patiently (like an ANGEL) deal with a newbie who could not answer whether his tank was saltwater or freshwater. I almost died laughing when he said salt and then...
Well after being disappointed about not getting the fighting conches in the group buy plus the fact that my cucumber is on strike (as in MIA) - I went to OG II and picked up two fighting conches. As usual Chris and Brian were there to help. So far so good these two guys are doing their job...
Our March meeting will be held at the home of James (JRWOHLER) in Little Silver, on Saturday, March 28th.
Also we have a guest speaker:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you and the club our research, and the Academy's efforts towards the conservation of the...
I did not shop there but this guy in WI apparently did and is not happy.
I'm thankful that here in NJ we have some fantastic sponsors to shop from and also the club (members) to trade with.