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Search results

  1. B

    June/July 2023 Meeting

    Not sure if someone is doing a June meeting, but if they're not I can do one, otherwise I can do July. I am in Holmdel and we have a pool. Feel free to post to this thread.
  2. B

    Garage cleanout - FINALLY!!!!!!

    Picture 1 (1) Apex Orange Brain - $50 (1) Apex PM1 modules - $50 (1) Apex Display Unit w/ cracked screen - FREE Pictures 2 & 3 New GHL Doser 2 SA (no power supply) - $275 then $225 then$200 now $175 Picture 4 Radion G5/G6 diffuser - $25 Picture 5 (6) 15 lb. bags CaribSea argonite sand - $15...
  3. B

    Aiptasia-eating filefish

    I've had him at least two years and he chows down on Aiptasia but when it's gone, watch out. Torches, duncans, zoas. anything with tentacles is fair game - $40 or trade.
  4. B

    WTB Yellow tang

    I sold the one I had because it was too aggressive in my tank and killed any new fish I tried to add but I miss the vibrant color and movement. LMK what you have (size/price/location) and thx for looking. Eric
  5. B

    Looking for large RBTA

    Like the title says - LMK the size, price and location. Thx. Eric
  6. B

    Reputable electronics repair in Central NJ

    I have a Bubble Magus 9+ skimmer - the controller is shot and I've tried contacting BM about ordering a replacement but have gotten no reply. My question is this - are all DC skimmer controllers the same? I have Reef Octopus DC return pumps anr the controller is very similar - a DC adapter port...
  7. B

    SOLD - 4" yellow tang

    With sadness, I have to rehome my yellow tang whom I've had for 3 years. He has become super-territorial and makes adding any new fish nearly impossible. I have to post a price so I'm asking $250 but what I'd really like to do is trade him for a smaller (and new) yellow tang. Pick up is in...
  8. B

    SOLD - (2) Brand new Ecotech XR30 G5 Pros

    Have 2 unopened XR30 G5 Pros $700 $650 each or $1350 $1250 for both. I also have 3 diffusers at $30 each. Pick up in Holmdel or can ship at buyer's expense. Thx for looking.
  9. B

    Looking to buy parts for Reef Octopus skimmer

    I have an Elite 220-INT and lost the O-ring that goes on the bottom of the collection cup. I went on the CoralVue website to order it a while ago and it always shows as not in stock - does anyone know where I could pick one up and thx for looking.
  10. B

    Looking for regal and/or scribbled angels

    Has anyone, in their travels, seen any LFS in Central NJ that have any in stock?
  11. B

    Just lost my favorite fish

    I had a beautiful 4" scribbled angel that was my favorite fish and when I went downstairs this morning, I found him/her on the floor. Here is my question: I have been keeping saltwater fish since 2006 and the only carpet surfers I ever had were wrasses. Has anyone else had an angel jump out of...
  12. B

    Python/Hygger question

    I see all these devices create suction by attaching the drain end to a faucet but I don't want my waste water going into my sink - I want it to drain right into the toilet. Can I manually start the siphon with a squeeze bulb instead? Thx. Eric
  13. B

    Lots of stuff for sale - garage cleanout

    I just completed my 225 Dream Tank build that I have been planning for over two years and I realized that I had been accumulating equipment without keeping track of what I had purchased so now I am selling my huge surplus. I will be updating this list as I found new stuff and sell others. Pickup...
  14. B

    Tunze Osmolator and Apex

    I have the 3155 and keep the water in my sump within a very small variance. I have an Apex now and when the pumps go off and the water level in my sump rises, the 'water too high' alarm goes off. Here is my question: the Tunze manual specifically says not to use it with a controller but what i...
  15. B

    Need Radion help, please

    #1 I have 1 XR30 G3Pro and 2 XR30 that I'm trying to use with an Apex WXM. I used a Reeflink to program the G3Pro and one of the G4Pro's and they are visible in my Apex Dashboard. The other G4Pro I cannot program with the Reeflink, even though I've used it with a Reeflink in the past. When I...
  16. B

    F/S: SCA 50 cube w/3 sides Starphire glass and other equipment

    I have upgraded from my 50 cube to my 225 gallon dream tank so my SCA 50 is up for sale. It is empty and will be cleaned this weekend and ready for a new home. Below are the items for sale and their prices - the entire system is priced at $975 then $900 now $850, a saving of over $300 below the...
  17. B

    WTB Large red monti cap and Superman mushrooms

    Let me know what you have, where you are and how much - thx.
  18. B

    Apex bewilderment

    Since I'm going from a 50 to a 225, I decided automation was the way to go and got myself an Apex. Just as a bit of background, in the past I was a software developer: C, C++, VB, VBA, Perl and PL/SQL, so I'm no stranger to tech but this Apex is driving me *crazy*. Even simple things don't work...
  19. B

    Need help with Bean Animal Overflow

    I am trying to do a Bean Animal Overflow on my 225 but it is incredibly loud. I did the type in the picture below but I never got the water level to be higher than the top of the primary drain and did not draw in enough water. I then replaced the strainer on the primary with two street elbows...
  20. B

    WTB (2) 55 Gallon Vertical Water Tanks

    Clear with gallon markers and 1" bulkhead - let me what you have, where and how much. Thx. Eric 718 309 6159