• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. mrehfeld


    Selling my RBTA $40. I'm @exit 117 off the GSP I can meet half way if it's a reasonable distance. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  2. mrehfeld

    July 2015 Meeting

    Our July 2015 Club Meeting will be held at the home of MatteZ When: Saturday, July 18th from 1PM to 5PM Where: 523 Cinnaminson St Riverton NJ 08077 Info: Hi my name is Matt and I am addicted to saltwater! I have been in the sw hobby since 09 when a friend of gave me his jbj 24g cube. The...
  3. mrehfeld

    Tapatalk Upgrade 5-20-2015

    Due to a security vulnerability in Tapatalk it was recommended that we upgrade the version we are using. I have done that and you may or may not have noticed the disruption. If there are any issues that are a result of the upgrade please state them in this thread. Thank you for your...
  4. mrehfeld


    anyone who ever wondered what kinds of fish they sell at ACC can check out the video posted on YouTube by John Stevenson ACC Fish Video
  5. mrehfeld

    May 2015 Meeting

    May Meeting WHEN: May 31st 1-5 PM WHERE: 418 Cobain Rd, Jackson, NJ 08527. Im 10 Minutes from Six Flags and the Outlets. There is plenty of street parking near my house. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. This meeting is open to all members, perspective members and family members (kids...
  6. mrehfeld

    Membership Cards

    We have added a new function to the website. You can now print your membership card directly from the website. It is located in the Navigation Bar on top. You must be a member and signed in to see and print from the link.
  7. mrehfeld

    Tapatalk Upgrades

    In an effort to improve usability and apply security updates Tapatalk has been upgraded to the latest version. If you are experiencing issues some possible resolutions could be log off and back into Tapatalk or restart your device. Thank you
  8. mrehfeld

    April Club Meeting

    WHEN: Saturday, April 25th - The BBQ will start after the Beach Cleanup at Sandy Hook WHERE: 297 Silverside Ave, Little Silver, NJ 07739 Please RSVP below if you plan to attend. This is open to all who participate in the Beach Cleanup, so kids are welcome too! This will be a BBQ style meeting...
  9. mrehfeld

    Free never used

    DVD Rewinder brand new in the box never used. Let me know.
  10. mrehfeld

    Reference Library

    Did you know that NJRC has a Reference Library? Come check out the range of titles and borrow one that might have the answer to your question or lead you into another direction in this hobby. NJRC-Reference-Library
  11. mrehfeld

    2015 Board of Directors

    The 2015 Board Of Directors Election is completed. Thank you everyone for taking the time to cast your vote and Thank you to those who offered to run for a BOD position. A big Thank you to the 2014 BOD for another successful year and frag swap. It was a great team effort. MNAT has decided...
  12. mrehfeld

    March Club Meeting

    Our March 2015 Club Meeting will be held at the home of HerbieK When: Saturday, March 28th from 1PM to 5PM Where: 6 Williams Road Kendall Park, NJ 08824 Info: The sixties were a crazy time man, peace, love and a 10 gallon “Metaframe” aquarium w/ the stainless steel corners and the...
  13. mrehfeld

    Announcing the 2015 Board Of Directors Nomination & Voting

    We've begun the annual nominations for the 2015 Board Of Directors. The following links provide information about the process and positions 2015 Board Of Directors Nominations & Voting 2015-President-Nominations 2015 Vice President Nominations 2015 Secretary Nominations...
  14. mrehfeld

    Free sump all glass

    My fish tank hoarding/obsession/addiction (whatever it is) has reached the tipping point and my family is about conspire to engage in an intervention. In an attempt to stave off the imminent result of them forcing me into AA(Aquaholics Anonymous) I decided to take the first step. I have a decent...
  15. mrehfeld

    Black Friday Deals

    Since I'm working today I am fortunately or unfortunately(depending on your point of view) unable to take part in the aquarium related Black Friday Deals. So I am wondering, what kind of deals did you get?
  16. mrehfeld

    Tidal Gardens Live Internet Sale

    Did anyone get a chance to see the Tidal Gardens Live Internet Sale? It's pretty cool. It showed each coral and allowed you to purchase online. It was narrated where each coral's description was given and an explanation of attributes and history. This could change the standard for buying coral's...
  17. mrehfeld

    Free Chaetomorpha 07730 exit 117 GSP

    Free Chaetomorpha 07730 exit 117 GSP
  18. mrehfeld

    AO and the frag swap

    I Just received AO's (Aquatic Obsessions) weekly newsletter with their latest arrivals and I was pleasantly surprised by their plug of our Frag Swap. I wanted to say a big THNAK YOU to AO for the swap advertising and for stepping up to be this year's water co-sponsor.
  19. mrehfeld

    What is it

    I found this making it's way up my glass, I know it's a snail but what kind and should I be concerned about it?
  20. mrehfeld

    Inee or Outee and I don't mean belly buttons

    I've noticed that some reefers prefer internal protein skimmers to external. My question is what's your preference and why? And are the advantages to using an internal to external? Thanks