Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Went cherry picking at my suppler and brought back some amazing pieces
XLG Orange Hammer
XLG Rainbow Hammer (Green, Purple, and Orange)
Branching Alvepora (Amazing Green color)
Ultra Gonapora (2 days in the frag tank and it's already popping off babies)
Purple Haze Montipora Mother colony...
Weekend Sale (Prices good from 2/22 - 2/24)
All Zoa frags - $10
Dendro frags - $15
Acan lord frags - $15
Large Meteor Shower Cyphastrea frags - $20
Ultra gonipora frags - $20
Neon green yuma - $10 per head
Purple yuma - $10 per head
Ultra Pink/Blue yuma - $40 (1 head left)...
Presidents Day Special (One day only 2/18)
All zoa frags $10
All dendro frags $20
Neon green yuma - $10 per head
Purple yuma - $10 per head
All acans - $15
Ultra Pink/Blue yuma - $40 (Only 1 left)
Gonna run a pre- Superbowl special. Prices are only good until kickoff
All Acan frags - $15 each
All SPS frags - $20
Spend $50 get a free zoa frag
Spend $100 get a free acan frag
Had this thing on the back of a 30 breeder and it worked great. One of the acrylic spacers broke off but this doesn't affect it mounting on the tank or the operation of it.
I'll even throw in some cheato to get you stated.
New frag tank is here and now it's time to clear out some frags so I have less stuff to transfer. This week only
Dendro frags - $20 (already growing baby heads on them)
Zoa frags - Buy 2 get one free
Chalice frags - Buy 2 get 1 free
Acan frags - Buy 2 get 1 free
Favia frags - Buy 2 get 1 free...
2012 was a great year for us but it’s time to start 2013 off with a bang. So starting Jan. 3rd 2013 and running until Feb. 3rd 2013 We’re going to have a graphic design contest to design the new look of Ultimate Corals. We’re looking for someone to create an original logo and someone to create...
I got in a ton of really nice zoa frags last week. Fire and ice, goblins fire, brown eye girl, plum crazy, etc.. along with some real nice chalice frags that are all healed up and ready to go including strawberry blush and bright lime rim.
Well the wife has finally had it with my garage full o' fish tank stuff so it's time to offer it up to some other reefers
So far I've pulled out
Galaxy Dual 250W Electronic Metal Halide Ballast by Sunlight Supply. Runs two 250 watt mogul or HQI lamps. $50
• Features the exclusive Smart...
Thinking about changing the lighting on the frag tank and I'm looking at either Kessil a150w 15k's or the Maxspect R420R M16000. The tank is a 30 breeder so penetration isn't an issue.
Any thoughts?
Hey Everyone,
As some of you may know we took a beating from Sandy and it pretty much wiped out the tanks. But I wanted to let everyone know that we're back in business. 4 boxes of Indo/Aussie corals came in yesterday so were loaded to the brim with zoa's, acro's, chalices, favia's, ultra...
Looking for some recommendations from the photography experts out there. It's time I've broken down and gotten a nice (affordable) DSLR for taking coral shots. I've been looking at the Nikon D3100, D5100 and the Canon T3i. So far my favorite is the D5100 but can be swayed in a different...