Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Yup you heard right. I'll be getting in a shipment of them in on Tuesday. These guys are captive breed and reef safe and are a great way to get rid of Aptasia. Size wise they are 1/4-1/2".
The family and I will be heading out to the DVRC swap this weekend so if anyone is looking for some really nice stuff and haven't been able to make it out to Jackson to see us let me know and I'll bring it with me. I try to keep an updated stock list on the FB page...
Ultra Blasto (15+ heads) $100
Favia Frags $15
Bloody Mary chalice (deep red with bright yellow eyes) $100
XL Ultra Clove Polyps (bright orange tips, would make a really cool centerpiece in a tank) $40
And much more coming.
Yup you heard right. Acan frags $15. I have a mix of Grade A, Ultra's, and there may even be a couple rainbows in there. All frags are atleast 3-4 polyps each. I also have some grade A colonies starting at $40 up and some rainbow colonies starting at $50 up.
Wanted to do something special for our new sponsorship so I'm going to be having some crazy sales over the next couple days and here's one of them....
Dendro frags - $10 per head
Dendro colony (50+ heads and a bunch of baby buds) - $150
This colony would make and awesome centerpiece in a...
Selling a Coralife Pure-Flo II with added DI stage (4 stage) RO/DI system and accessories. This unit does 50 gallons per day. All filters were changed about 4 months ago (still have plenty of life in them) and the membrane was changed in Dec. 2011. I have the auto shut off kit installed along...
Looks like I'm going to be purchasing a 90 gallon RR setup. I found someone selling an 8x54 T5HO Nova Extreme Pro 48". My question is will that be enough light for a mixed reef (softies, clam, sps, etc..)? Or should I be looking more towards a 2x250 MH setup?
Got this tank used to setup a QT and ended up going a different route. It's a 10 gallon with a wrought iron stand. No hood. Stand could use a little sanding and black spray paint and it would look good as new.
Pickup in Jackson or would be willing to meet some where between Princeton and...
Just picked up a CL-280 1/10hp chiller and need to get a pump for it. So I'm look for a mag 5/7 or something equivalent as the specs on the chiller is 500gph-800gph.
Shoot me a PM and we can work something out.
Mark S
Hi All,
I'm having trouble keeping certain fish in my tank. I have a 34 gallon AquaEuro AIO and can grow corals like crazy but I'm having a real problem keeping fish. The tank has been up for 5-6 months now. I originally had a kole tang and 2 damsels (green chromis and azure). All of a sudden...
Hi Everyone,
During a routine water change I noticed two fish (who I presumed were long dead) actually living in the back chambers of my Aqua Euro 34 gallon all in one. A clown and pink spotted goby. I've tried a variety of nets but these guys are way to fast. Any idea's on how to get them out...