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Search results

  1. Hawkeye

    MOVED: Chromis??

    This topic has been moved to Fish or FOWLR. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=11285.0
  2. Hawkeye

    MOVED: Rev's 120g

    This topic has been moved to Tale of the Tank. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=11270.0
  3. Hawkeye

    MOVED: what pump and tubing for Phosban Reactor 150?

    This topic has been moved to Equipment Conversation. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=11237.0
  4. Hawkeye

    MOVED: Good HQI manufactuers for 12-14K color temp.

    This topic has been moved to Equipment Conversation. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=11297.0
  5. Hawkeye

    Balloon Lumpfish

    A woman looks at balloon lumpfish sitting on balloons at Shinagawa Aqua-Stadium aquarium in Tokyo Tuesday, July 8, 2008. The colorful 'Eumicrotremus pacificus,' commonly found in the deep sea near the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, attach themselves to rocks in the water via a sucker disk...
  6. Hawkeye

    MOVED: Sumatra Powder Blue Tang for a Qualified Good Home.

    This topic has been moved to For Sale or Trade. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=11248.0
  7. Hawkeye

    Instead of a vortech I spent my money...

    ...on the exterminator who helped me rid our house of a few carpenter ants. Stupid carpenters...they somehow found a hole underneath our siding and were running up/down the plumbing pipes. :o At first he thought there might have been a colony in our laundry room (this is where I eventually hope...
  8. Hawkeye

    Savko Plumbing (for the durso/overflow/bulkheads)

    Anyone ever use these guys? I couldn't find the 90 degree Street El (at Lowes) I needed for my durso pipes and my LFS is out of the bulkheads I need - so am thinking of ordering from these guys. http://www.savko.com/
  9. Hawkeye

    Happy 4th of July!

    By Irving Berlin... God bless America, Land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Thru the night with a light from above; From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home, sweet home. God bless America, My home, sweet home. I am thankful to...
  10. Hawkeye

    Interesting Website on Caulerpa Invasive Species in California

    SCCAT.NET I know we're here in NJ - but it would seem to me that if we are to be impactful as a group in this hobby, then we can at least educate others of the potential problems aquarists pose to the environment. 9 banned species of Caulerpa in California: taxifolia (feather) racemosa...
  11. Hawkeye

    55 gallon tank Stand (and the tank if you really want it) FREE (Metuchen, 08840)

    Step right up.... Up for free is a 55 gallon wood stand - I don't know colors (dark/white I get, but not anything in between). I guess it's a kinda dark-ish woody finish. LOL. I got this for free from MAVL666 a while back. I also picked up a nice stand from NEWSALT. So I have two - and I don't...
  12. Hawkeye

    MOVED: aqua jr help

    This topic has been moved to Equipment Conversation. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=10763.0
  13. Hawkeye

    Skimmer and Controller comparison chart

    Not sure if a skimmer fits? or if it really skims the rated gph? Found a couple helpful links: Skimmer Comparison Controller Comparison Credit: Aquarium controllers.com Skimmer Chart by ReefCentral members Straegen / Robbyg / Davidryder / Jdieck Thanks To Davidryder and Jdieck...
  14. Hawkeye

    MOVED: pets plus

    This topic has been moved to Retailer Experiences. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=10705.0
  15. Hawkeye

    MOVED: Help with my Zoanthids

    This topic has been moved to Leathers, Shrooms & Zoos. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=10642.0
  16. Hawkeye

    MOVED: Tunze or Vortech for 90g w/DSB

    This topic has been moved to Equipment Conversation. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=10512.0
  17. Hawkeye

    MOVED: MH bulbs question

    This topic has been moved to Equipment Conversation. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=10638.0
  18. Hawkeye

    MOVED: Awesome checks

    This topic has been moved to Open Water. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=10489.0
  19. Hawkeye

    MOVED: False advertising?

    This topic has been moved to Retailer Experiences. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=10436.0
  20. Hawkeye

    MOVED: Filter Socks

    This topic has been moved to Equipment Conversation. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=10374.0