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Search results

  1. W

    new 2.2 gallon wall mounted tank

    No Question about it. It will be enough even for SPS if you do it right. I have a 96W LED over a 5' tank with easy SPS, like the cap, even at the bottom of a 28" deep tank.
  2. W

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    Hi there. I am new here and expect to show up in the swap coming soon. I am in entertainment industry especially in the audio and lighting department which leads me custom build LEDs for aquarium. I like LPS http://aquaprobuilder.sunsun-usa.com/Gallery/thumbnails.php?album=32 and will be...
  3. W

    LED Lighting

    Growlight has evolved just light ref lightings. The yellowish grow light is no longer the preferred ones for serrious growth experts. I wondered what kind of plants they are growing that requires so much growth. LOL. The newer grow lights are mostly red and blue removing most of the rest of the...
  4. W

    free flowerhorn babies (paterson,nj)

    Do you have a pic of the parents and will you be going to the swap in Oct? If so, I am interested.
  5. W

    Acans and dwarf angels...

    I have a golden angel and it does not bothers my acans. I also have a potter's angel but not witht he acans so not sure it's taste.