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Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Howdy, my name is Steve. im 23 live near cherry hill, and i ... am addicted to reef keeping.

I got into this hobby because a buddy had a tank and i loved watching his. I got a job at petco to help eleviate some of the basic cost, and since i was little wanted to work at a pet store, boy i wish i was at a mom & pop store now. Im the fish guy at their cherry hill location and doing the best with what they give me.

So i learned from from my buddy and back in Aug '06 i started up my first tank. A 29 FOWLR with a clown, blue damsel, lawnmower blenny and fuzzy dwarf lion. They all got along great until after 4-5 months over the course of 2-3weeks, the lion ate every one. I dont know why, its not like he wasnt well fed. Sadly the lawnmower was almost the lions size, sooo needless to say the lion died of being WAAY to fat the next day. Bummer. The only good thing to come of all this was i got to start into the reefing side. I upgraded the lights to support low light corals and was able to get small reef fish and basic corals. I upgraded to a 54 RR corner that i got for a good deal, $400 for tank, stand, sump, glass top, PC light. its now a full blown reef, SPS, LPS, zoas, soft corals, mushrooms and all the microfauna thats goes along with it. The set up is now, like i said 54 RR corner, 380w Odyysea (250 HQI; 130 PC atinic) w/ Icecap ballast, DIY sump w/ Octopus NW 110, filter sock and fuge teaming with pods/worms. The live stock is a cinnamon clown, the first fish after the lion fiasco and soon to get a mate. A yellow tang and yes he'll get a bigger home as time passes. A royal gramma, second fish after lion fiasco. And the most recent member a manadrin dragonet, doing very well.

So yeah. Hi everyone.
well im new to njreefers so i thought id say hello and introduce me. i live in sayreville, nj. ive been keeping freshwater fish for a few years and recently got into salt water. i have a 46 gallon bowfront with 50-60lbs of well established live rock (has alot of purple coraline)60lbs ocean direct caribean live sand, 2 #2 hydor korailas (1200gph total)no fish yet but plan on either 2black ocellaris clowns or 1 black and 1 orange and some sort of goby but thats just idea for now, cleaning crew should be going in sometime next week, dont know exactly what i want for this either but im thinking 1 cleaner shrimp,5-10 nassarius snails, 5-10 blue hermit crabs, 5-10 turbo snails. im just taking it slow so theres no rush on fish, i have a 45 gallon empty tank that im going to turn into my sump, but looking for a pump (can anyone help me with that?) and my protein skimmer and heater are going in on one side, pump in middle, and refugium on the other side. anyways i just wanted to say hi, and that im open for any and all advice/feedback/comments. thanks
welcome everyone!

onefish2fish - start a thread in the general discussion and let us know what specific advice/feedback/comments you're looking for!
Hello all...i've been a lurker here for a while! But want to jump into the swing of posting.
Im Vampie. From NJ of course ;) Married to my Devil of a man and have 2 children. One crazy dog named Chloe and a soon to be Labrador puppy. We have been interested in Saltwater tanks for a very long time. We have ours up and running for about hmm 1.5 years or something like that. 72 gallon bow front tank. FOWLR. But eventually want to go into the whole reef look :)

So thats all about me for now. Talk to you all soon! ;D
Hi there.

I am new here and expect to show up in the swap coming soon.

I am in entertainment industry especially in the audio and lighting department which leads me custom build LEDs for aquarium.

I like LPS
and will be going for PS soon when I finished building my new frag tanks.

Here are some of the tanks I am involved in, some are mine, some are my friends which I have to build and maintain and ome are just plaining clients of mine.
I have some freshwater tanks as well but have been negelexting tham a bit due to my new blooming business of LEDs. If you guys have freshwater tank, LMk, I am giving out some of my FW fish from my "Fish Shelter-a 150G that I shelter homelesss and unwanted FW fish(unfortnately couple fish are from me too)".

I also have a few RES turtles that I am willing to give to someone who has a good pond for them. I no longer have my mobile pond after I moved to Flushing.

I am not sure if I am always in the wrong forums or I have to join a more elite group-I did not see a lot of postings in here. If someone can direct me a bit, that would be great. I am eager to meet up with reefers outside of NY where I am from as most of us have traded all the smae thing over and over again. I want to see something new and hope I can bring my stuff which may be new to your area in NJ.

Email me at WingoAgency@yahoo.com is the best way to ask me questions as Yahoo has never loose a single msg for me over that many years.

Bored yet???? Lets start with my FW Planted tank with early Custom LEDs
and LMK what you think.
Hey guys and gals
My name is Ryan and I'm a Reefaholic.
Just wanted to drop a quick note to say hi and introduce myself. My name is Ryan and I am a NJ native. Born in Essex County and grew up in Union County. I went away to college in the Philly area and have been down here ever since. So, 18 years in NJ and now 13 years in Pa. I still have family in Union County and get to NJ quite often to see them and also with my professional obligations. I am a member of the Delaware Valley Reef Club (DVRC) in the Philly area and I look forward to the Frag Swap this weekend.
Hey everybody! My name's Mike, I'm from central Jersey (Marlboro area),I've been on reef central for a couple months, just started up my 75 (future) reef about 3 months ago. It's got about a 20gl sump, crappy protein skimmer and crappy lighting, of which i plan to upgrade soon (skimmer first, then probably MH lighting in a few months when i start to add corals).
So far I have only a CUC, consisting of 5 snails, 17 hermits, 2 peppermint shrimp, and an emerald crab. This weekend is my birthday, so the fiance is taking me to get my first fish (probably going to start with a pair of false percs, mostly because she loves "Nemo" of course, plus they're hardy so i figure that'll be a good starter fish).
I've had my freshwater setup for about 14 years, 2 of which i had piranha, then after getting rid of them i got a juvenile oscar, who i had for just about 12 years, but unfortunately he died a couple months ago (My fiance says it's because he was jealous that i got a new tank lol).

Here's some pics of when i set the tank up, i don't have any recent pics, though it looks pretty much the same.

full tank shot (the rockwork seems small in the pics, but while it provides a nice open area, i think it's a little more substantial than the pictures show) (forgive the photography, they're camera phone shots)


little bridge

and a tripod


I had a cyano problem when i started out, but cured it up pretty quick once the params were under control, and i put in the CUC. The tank was actually a hand me down from a friend, he had FOWLR, i wound up keeping pretty much just the tank, lighting and the rock.
Nice Mick are you coming to the swap tomorrow? Maybe you can win some lights ;D.

I wish I could, unfortunately my weekend's pretty tied up with birthday type events....but you can be sure to see me at the next one!
TheMick75 said:
Nice Mick are you coming to the swap tomorrow? Maybe you can win some lights ;D.

I wish I could, unfortunately my weekend's pretty tied up with birthday type events....but you can be sure to see me at the next one!

the next one is MACNA...you don't want to miss that!!!
jun said:
hi my name is jun, live in nj for about 18 yrs. was born in the phillipines and migrated here in 1988. got married 5 yrs ago to a wonderfull filipina who always support me to what ever decision i made (good or bad). as of now, no kids yet but we have 2 female boston terrier which my wife and i treat as kids. i'm a nurse in a small comunity hospital in pompton plains for 8 yrs. i have a 65g tank which been running for more than year. we just bought a house in bloomfield a year ago and in the process redoing the basement. i'm in the planning stage to do an inwall 180g tank. i just came from east brunswick this morning to purchase a 100g rubbermaid tub to use as a sump. so..if anyone have an extra time that can show me a how to incorporate a refugium to my 180g i would appreciate it btw i'm a bad speller

jun- 180g in-walls rule! i think i bought three tangs (purple, yellow, kole) off you earlier this year?!?
Hello All. My name is Jason and I'm from Union CountyJ. I'm a project manager working at a small GIS software company. I've been reading forum posts for a couple of months on and off and finally decided to join. I currently don't have a tank up and running but hope to have it going by the end of the year.

I set up my first fish tank when I was around 12 years old. I've had freshwater, goldfish, African Ciclids and saltwater tanks. I use to spend a couple weeks each summer in Georgia working at my uncles pet store. Every summer I came home with another tank. I got to a point where I had 5 tanks in my bedroom two 10 gallon, two 20 gallon and a 75 gallon. My dad made a great wall unit to fit everything. It might have been a little overboard but I loved it. And it always kept my room really warm too. Overtime things changed and therefore my tanks changed to fit my schedule. I later had two 45 gallon tanks and ended up dismantling them before I did a summer abroad in college. After that I had a goldfish tank at our family vacation house in the Poconos. Those were some hardy goldfish. I had them for years and then finally brought them home and then they died, go figure. I also worked at Rutgers University for two semesters taking care of freshwater fish at the IMCS. This was when I wanted to be a Marine Biologist, but when you fail bio-101 the dream begins to fade, got a History degree instead. About two years ago I started up a nano reef. It was a 16(?) gal bow. Unfortunately my dad got cancer and I was too occupied and I took it down.

I'm now ready to get back full swing with saltwater. I've been looking at the BioCube and the Solana fish tanks and think that they might be the way to go but then, I think, maybe something a bit bigger maybe another 45 gallon. Unfortunately the only tank I have left is my bow. I gave the rest away over the years and the 75 gallon cracked when I left it outside after breaking it down. I was very upset. Still trying to figure it all out. I've been scouring books and the internet to see what I want to keep and then will make my final decision. And the equipment, so much to choose from, especially if I go with a traditional tank. Fortunately I have a little more money then I did as a teenager and don't have to shop at places like Animals and Things in Woodbridge anymore. I can just feel you cringe as you read that, I did too.

Until then I will continue to read and become reeducated. Thanks for all the great posts.
