Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Its been a while since I posted an update. I've had some ups/downs, lost a bunch of stuff...had things grow like crazy that i wasn't expecting...had some SPS start losing skin from the top down, but then broken them off and watched them recover. Had a mated pair of clowns, had one commit...
Hey folks, I'm looking for a BTA for my little maroon to host. He's currently hosting some zoas and some duncans, and occasionally some mushrooms.
I have to trade:
Softball(ish) sized rock pretty much covered with GSP
Baseball sized Stylo (yellow skin, kind of white/blueish polyps)
I have no idea what they were...I am sure I got them from someone in NJ when i brought in corals and didn't dip them.
They were just little orange ditties that were all over everything.
I used Flatworm Exit about 30 mins before every water change for the last 3 or so months and i don't see...
Yeah, live and learn! haha.
As to the shrooms, i have no idea how to get them off the rocks, but if i did, you could certainly have them. There are a dozen or so...a few of which found little holes in my SPS to stick themselves in. ;)
Finally think I got rid of my flatworm problem (only took 3 or so months).
Almost over the browning/bleaching of some of my corals due to too much light.
Maroon and Perc still getting along well (although I know that might not last forever.)
Wish I could go back in time and NOT put those stupid...
Hey all, long time no post!
My tank is a year today...wanted to share my experiences...
1. Slow and steady wins the race.
2. More light is not better light. My tank is 11g, and I went from a Prime 16HD to a a XR15 to an XR30. When I jumped to the XR30, I had it at 65%, which in my case...
Actually, Mark, now that i think about it i have an extra setup I'd sell for a song...or like $20. ;-) Maybe 25 shipped to you. Was planning on listing it soon, just hadn't gotten that far yet. Used for about a month.
Hey, I have a rock with 3-4 small BTAs, and about 6 kinds of zoas on it that I have been considering letting go, if you have any interest. Rock is about softball sized. Can take a picture if you'd like.