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Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build


NJRC Member
I have no idea what they were...I am sure I got them from someone in NJ when i brought in corals and didn't dip them.

They were just little orange ditties that were all over everything.

I used Flatworm Exit about 30 mins before every water change for the last 3 or so months and i don't see them anymore, so knock on wood! :)


NJRC Member
Its been a while since I posted an update. I've had some ups/downs, lost a bunch of stuff...had things grow like crazy that i wasn't expecting...had some SPS start losing skin from the top down, but then broken them off and watched them recover. Had a mated pair of clowns, had one commit suicide...took down a tank with a baby maroon and added it to the Evo...and haven't done a water change in about 4 months...although it's on my mind. :)


NJRC Member
Welp...my kitten, who loves looking in my open tank, at some point unplugged the heater...I would guess it was off for a good week or so. Tank temp would fluctuate with the room, but between 64-68 most of the time. Yikes.

But I guess it 'separated the men from the boys', so to speak.

After 2 weeks of 3x a week water changes to get rid of the algae/dinos/whatever that was on EVERYTHING, things are looking up.

Surprisingly, the GSP is taking a long time to bounce back.
