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$1 Per Gallon has me itching for a 40B DT with 40B sump

Russell Bennett

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
This $1 per a gallon sale has me really wanting to expand, and I am sure I am not the only one (it is part of the disease right?)

This would go in my unfinished basement and would basically be for my eyes only. Fish wise it would be light probably some type of clown pair. (leaning towards Skunk or Maroon - if 40 is big enough)

I also would want to do coral, probably mostly LPS

So the initial Idea is I would make the stand- raw lumber all exposed (maybe I paint it once built). This is going in my unfinished tool room, and I want to see everything in it's glory.

Initial idea was 40B display with 40B sump.
1. I need to decide on plumbing/ how to drill tank- noise is not an issue. Fail proof is the key here.
2. I wonder how cheaply I can do lights that is a big mystery for me where I need to be on cost vs quality spectrum. I might need to go better than LPS needs, because at some point I may want a nem
3. I need to design sump- I am thinking filter socks and protein skimmer, going into live rock, going into a refugium, and return area.
4. Need to pick out good skimmer and need to pick out return pump.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I think at some point I may want to do two of these systems. I don't have to jump on the $1 per gallon sale now. I just slowly want get my build idea in my head and go from there.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I second the go for it!

Couple of quick notes:
1. I would at least treat the wood with something for water proofing given the abuse it will receive over time. I am sure you can go with something clear but I would do something.
2. Look at the glass holes overflow kits, they would be perfect for what you are looking for (Just make sure you can drill the tank, not tempered glass).
3. Lights you can do a lot of different ways with a lot of different price points. Take a look at T5s, you don't need much for a shallow tank. There are a myriad of LED options as well, I like my kessil over our nano but you would probably need two. The AI prime looks pretty awesome as well, but with a 3 foot tank, you might need two of whatever you buy for LEDs, since they usually say they will cover 2x2 feet.
4. I am not great at sump design, but a 40g breeder are very popular options as a sump so I am sure you can find a ton of pics and different versions on line.
5. Return pumps are not my strong suit either but for that size I would probably look at a DC pump, just make sure the plumbing fits your returns.

Good luck and ask away.
1. kilz complete primer is good stuff, much easier/cleaner to paint before the tank goes on the stand, plus you'll be able to paint the entire exposed surface.
2. i second glass holes and have used them for years. however recently i found the ghost overflows and will give those a try on the next tank i drill.
3. LEDs will be a cheaper lighting option long term as t5s require yearly bulb replacement, but the colors from t5s are fantastic.
4. i wouldnt put live rock in the sump and just keep it to the tank, if you really want rock in your sump/fuge just use 1 piece. a bunch of rubble can act the same as bio balls.

Russell Bennett

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Kilz - great idea will definitely do it

I keep having this dream of a prefectly balance system with a great refugium. Anyone have success with refugium?

I am also toying with doing two 40s side by side with a share 55g sump under. lots of thoughts swimming around lol.
Double check to see whether you can drill their 40 breeders. I recall looking a few years ago and ended up going a different route because I couldn't confirm whether they were tempered or not.

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It's not totally controllable, but with manual dimmers & a decent following on RC you could get the Mars Aqua 300W 32" fixture. that will cover your entire tank for the price of a prime. just food for thought.
IF you can physically go see the tank itself, you could just put on a pair of polarized sun glasses and see if the glass has the rainbow pattern like the side windows of your car.
who and where does doller per gallon? Only place I have heard of is petsmart doing it in the past, just haven't seen it for a while if that's where we are talking about.