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14k hqi bulbs

Alright. My buddy and I are having an argument. He is saying that there is no such thing as a 14k color temp and that manufacturers are just saying it for money. I told him hes full of it and that i have 2 150w 14k phoenix bulbs that i can show him right now.

He says its only 10k and 20k soo anyone wanna help settle this?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Well, for one...There is a HUGE difference in color between a 14k and a 20k! I think 20k bulbs almost have a turquoise sort of look to them..
tell him to visit Sanjay's sight, he's independent from all manufactures and has the spectral grafts for many differant bulbs 6500K, 10, 12, 14,15 & 20K
I have seen the graphs and I have both 14k and 20ks on my system and there is a diffrence. Even go look at aftermarket HID car headlight charts there is a huge difference in 10k, 14k and 20k
I can get you a pic if you wanna see the difference I have a 10k in the middle of my tank and two 14k's on the sides huge difference in lighting.
your friend is lost...tell him to do some more research...
14k,15k bulbs are very popular...i dont see how he thinks there are none ...
::) i showed him 15k bulbs in our store and he still doesnt beleive it. says their just to make money ???(wtf?)

he keeps saying that some LED maker at a convention he was at told him that there werent anything other then 10 and 20k andsome other crap. Oh well, guess some people just dont learn