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200 gallon finally going up!


NJRC Member
200 gallon tank finally some filled about 80% waiting for sand dust to settle and slowly try to filter it out using a small internal filter with floss lol

Just hit the salinity level i wanted, temp set to 78 degrees in display for now…

Need to wait for good time hopefully next Saturday to start the transfer from 75 gallon to the 200 need the water and the rock from my current display moved over

Hopefully it’ll be success with nothing dying…

If anyone ever done this type of move before I’m all ears!


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
When you move the live rock. You are goign to get die off the which is goign to mess with the cycle (hence why you get mini cycles in most moves). You would want to move some rock first (assuming you’re adding more too) with the new rock to seed it. And then go crazy. Ghost feed the tank and you should be good in a few weeks


NJRC Member
When you move the live rock. You are goign to get die off the which is goign to mess with the cycle (hence why you get mini cycles in most moves). You would want to move some rock first (assuming you’re adding more too) with the new rock to seed it. And then go crazy. Ghost feed the tank and you should be good in a few weeks
Crap i was hoping to turn the system on fully but need the water from my 75 to do so..
Should i just run wave makers move some rock over? I have all my rock glued in the 75 should i don’t have much to move


NJRC Member
I'd add some bottled bacteria- when I moved up from my 40 to the 75- I used some of my old sand along with new live sand, my live rock from the 40 along with some new dry rock- added some bacteria and there was no cycling at all


NJRC Member
I recently upgraded. I moved 4 tanks into 1 (175 gallon waterbox) . I used 2 pieces of my old scape and bought a new scape and sand.

I used Fritz turbostart and had zero issues with dieoff etc.

I don't see a problem with your plan.


NJRC Member
Most likely will add all the live rock i can tonight without interrupting any corals and such give it few days I’ve added a full bottle of bacteria aswell
Once it’s like 3-4 days I’ll start adding the transfer if my rock was able to support the current tank i don’t see why it wouldn’t support the same amount of fish just a larger water scale


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Sounds like a plan. Keep us updated. And if there are no pics. It didn’t happen !!!!


Jamie S

NJRC Member
How was the move? I recently combined my 32 biocube and 120 gallon into a 200. It was a long day but here’s what I did. First I filled the 200 about halfway with freshly mixed salt water. Then transferred about 30 gallons from the 120 into the 200. Then 15 gallons from biocube to 200. I then transferred back 30 gallons back to the 120 and 15 gallons back to the biocube from the 200to fill them back up. I did this 3 or 4 times to make sure that the water in all 3 tanks were fairly close in parameters to acclimate everything.
I then took all of the rock and coral from both tanks into the 200. Then moved the fish. The water was a bit cloudy so I pumped the water from the 120 and biocube into 30 gallon barrels through a filter sock. Then used that tank water to fill the remainder of the 200. I didn’t get a mini cycle and only lost one frogspawn (it may have had too much flow in its new spot). I got the essential equipment setup that day and most of the rest the following day. If I were to upgrade again in the future (doubtful if the wife has any say) I would do it the same way.
Good luck with the upgrade I can’t wait to see pics!


NJRC Member
How was the move? I recently combined my 32 biocube and 120 gallon into a 200. It was a long day but here’s what I did. First I filled the 200 about halfway with freshly mixed salt water. Then transferred about 30 gallons from the 120 into the 200. Then 15 gallons from biocube to 200. I then transferred back 30 gallons back to the 120 and 15 gallons back to the biocube from the 200to fill them back up. I did this 3 or 4 times to make sure that the water in all 3 tanks were fairly close in parameters to acclimate everything.
I then took all of the rock and coral from both tanks into the 200. Then moved the fish. The water was a bit cloudy so I pumped the water from the 120 and biocube into 30 gallon barrels through a filter sock. Then used that tank water to fill the remainder of the 200. I didn’t get a mini cycle and only lost one frogspawn (it may have had too much flow in its new spot). I got the essential equipment setup that day and most of the rest the following day. If I were to upgrade again in the future (doubtful if the wife has any say) I would do it the same way.
Good luck with the upgrade I can’t wait to see pics!
Went pretty smooth honestly never even closed up i had filled the tank roughly 80-90% and just siphoned all the water from the 75 to get the pumps working was short only 5 gallons which i had as back up anyways. I’m currently in the super ugly stage and my whole downstairs smells like algae lol a lot of algae build up I’m planning on trying to battle this weekend will siphon and suck out 10 gallons for a water change clean the super out try to keep this tank spotless


NJRC Member
Man be careful with those turbos. I ordered 5 for the frag tank, 1 is bigger than a golf ball, another as big as a medium sized lemon. Those two flip over frag racks daily....
lol really i have one but he’s like a ping pong ball maybe smaller. No maybe issues

I’m really getting hit hard with the uglies today everything has the brown algae all over it just installed the UV but Jesus the pump is strong on in have it in my sump and it’s blasting water…
Waiting for a vacuum siphon to come in mine broke…
Gonan try to vacuum all this crap our maybe do a water change tomorrow what you think