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2018-02-09 Coral of the week - Pipe Organ Coral

Have you ever grown pipe organ coral?

  • Yes, currently

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • I used to have it.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No, but I have seen it before.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • I never heard of it before

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • I really don't like pipe organs or choruses

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Pipe organ coral (Tubipora musica) is a pretty unique coral for many reasons. First, the calcareous skeleton of this coral is reddish, one of the few corals with this color. Second, it is composed of tubes which are connected together by bands growing over the surface of the coral at intervals. Third, it is on octacoral like most soft corals, with only 2 types creating hard skeletons, pipe organ coral and the blue-skeleton ridge coral. All other hard skeleton corals are hexacorals. Their tentacles are in multiples of six. It tends to grow in the Indian and west pacific oceans. It can also form pink sands when the fragile skeleton breaks up. This coral has zooxanthellae inside for photosynthesis and is a fairly passive coral. It doesn’t always do well when transferred to a tank. My first attempt was no different.
Here is an example I grew in my tank.
At knight, it would fluoresce green under UV light.
I has a unique skeleton sometimes visible.
Here is a close up of the skeleton.
tubipora 2.JPG
The can grow pretty large.
Sometimes the polyps look like palm trees.
I wasn't able to find reef videos where I was sure they were showing pipe organ coral.



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