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2018-03-05 - Aquarium of the week - Adventure Aquarium

Have you been to Adventure Aquarium is Camden the last few years?

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  • Never

  • No, but I have been there before.

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I recently went to Adventure Aquarium with my grandson. I like it because it has its own unique flavor. We all know how hard it is to keep aquarium running well, so it was great to the great condition the reef tanks were in.
I am dying to go behind the scenes sometime, but I have yet to see one listed.
Here is the LPS tank.
I like this Harlequin Tusk in the peekaboo tank.
Here is a wrasse taking his own peek.
Here was the softie tank
And a close up.

Here was a previous thread on this aquarium.
Adventure Aquarium
I haven't been yet, but I would really like to go. I went to the National Aquarium in Baltimore over the summer and I was actually really disappointed with the tanks. Most didn't have live coral (which I was very excited to see).


SPS Grow Out Winner
Got to do a behind the scenes tour of the 760,000 gallon tank. Pretty impressive.

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How did you get that picture. With the walk bridge there, all I got was net. I tried reaching out to do a behind the scenes tour but I did not receive a response.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
I took my GS troop last year for a class for one of the Marine bio merit badge requirements. It included the behind the scenes tour.
Looking at the softie tank there are some very thin long stalked polyp corals that kinda look like a clove or a xenia with a very thin stalk they are peach colored does any one know what they are called I like there feathery appearance. Also curious about the cabage looking green softies if anyone knows what they are called