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60g cube build

Thanks Paul. I know . I only want to dose 1.1 every hr for only 3hrs to give me a total of 3.3ml. I now it will on run 1 min every 1hr for 3hrs. I just want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I do the real dosage with the doser.
The codes look good to me. Did you use the reeftronics spreadsheet? Also, smart thinking on the test run.

Well I was off on my time on the calcium had to add another 1 hr to the time so that it was a total of 3hrs. I did try to use the reeftronics spreadsheet last night but I wasn't able to see it. I have to download Excel.
Yeah I wanted to do a trial run first before I start dosing the actual dosage. I'm also using ro/di water instead of the the actual additive.
Well I was off on my time on the calcium had to add another 1 hr to the time so that it was a total of 3hrs.
Oops, sorry for the bad info..
I did try to use the reeftronics spreadsheet last night but I wasn't able to see it. I have to download Excel.
Yeah I wanted to do a trial run first before I start dosing the actual dosage. I'm also using ro/di water instead of the the actual additive.
The spreadsheet makes it really easy, I should have plugged in the numbers before I told you the codes looked good. Is this the new code?

Fallback OFF
OSC 000:00/001:00/059:00 Then ON
If Time 15:00 to 11:59 Then OFF
Well had a flawlessly 24 hrs so far with the dosers. I'll give it a week before I start using the real additives instead of ro/di
Wow it's been a while since I've updated this. For the past 2 1/2 months I've been real busy with house construction and working longer then normal hours to get ready for my twin boys to arrive. I've kinda slacked on the tank. I've lost almost all my sps , started battling green hair algae and now aptasia issue. Boy a tank can go down hill super fast without maintenance. Well for the next few weeks I will start to attend to the tank again since now my all of my house construction is all over. I will update once again with pics once I get the tank back to shipshape. Will also be looking for frags.

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Wow it's been a while since I've updated this. For the past 2 1/2 months I've been real busy with house construction and working longer then normal hours to get ready for my twin boys to arrive. I've kinda slacked on the tank. I've lost almost all my sps , started battling green hair algae and now aptasia issue. Boy a tank can go down hill super fast without maintenance. Well for the next few weeks I will start to attend to the tank again since now my all of my house construction is all over. I will update once again with pics once I get the tank back to shipshape. Will also be looking for frags.

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Just in time for the swap ;). Glad to hear you're back jose
Well I've been fighting a green hair algae for a couple of weeks now. So far I'm doing some damaged. I'm scrubbing my LR with a toothbrush with a hose attached to it to siphon out the green hair algae. So that it doesn't continue to grow through the tank. Also running some BRS GFO.
I'm also now battling a Aptasia problem. So I picked up 2 pepermint shrimps. Also picked up a Copperband Butterfly which is in Qt with some Cryto-pro. I got lucky he/she is eating live bloodworms. Hopefully between the copperband and the peppermint shrimps they take care of the aptasia issue. Other then that everything is doing fine.
Well time to replace my bulbs on my 36" 6 bulb Tek fixture. I'm considering in Buying the AI Sol Hydra Twenty-Six instead replacing the t5 bulbs. Is this a smart move or should I just stick with my T5?

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You are the first person in a while I've seen thinking of switching to LEDs from T5. I am making the switch back to T5 myself. So my vote is stick with it.
Yeah John. I haven't tried the LEDs yet. I think they finally advance enough that I'm gonna chance it. But I won't be getting rid of my T5's Fixture.

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What is the area you are trying to cover, if it is the 60 cube 24in wide, then one hydra 26 MIGHT work. If you are trying to cover a 36in tank one hydra 26 will not cover it very well at all.