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65 to 120 Upgrade

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
And before anyone asks, yes that is an Eshopps frag rack you still see, I ripped the magnets off. ;)

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Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Nice to see your tank coming back.

MACNA really helped me keep the dream alive. It will be back and better than before! With a little time and a lotta love the plumbing will be done the right way, and not I need to move out of my apartment in a week.

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
So the 120 is condensed into the 40B. I only have softies and LPS left that survived. I still have to catch the fish and put them in the 40.

I haven't seen my hammer this happy in a while.

I still have my Two Face chalice (Yeay!) and a few others.

My Gorg. is happy and all fuzzy.

Next step is to drain the 120 and redo all the plumbing!

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sad that that is all that remains of such a beautiful tank Brian. At least you were able to save a good portion though and with time you will be back as good or better than ever.

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Was working on the 120 tonight. I got two new mesh socks from BRS, so I popped them in the sump and went to town scrubbing the dead hair algae off the rocks and the overflows.

Let that filter out for a while and decided to clean the detritus from the sump and found this:



Yet another failed Eshopps product...

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Oh no, that's horrible Brian!

Looks like every product they make that contains a magnet is crap. :(


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Some epoxy and either plastic screen or fiberglass cloth. JB Weld is an epoxy that is black to dark gray, and will better match what appears to be a black plastic frame.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's a weird spot for a crack. Is it just the plastic frame or is the tank cracked there too?
Drill a series of very small holes ( just large enough for a needle to go through). Use nylon thread to stitch the crack together and then epoxy over top of everything ( even super glue would work, once absorbed into the nylon thread and hardens it is forever)


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
From that pic... it looks like the trim separated from the glass itself... Either way it looks like a scare spot to try and repair.. GL man... sorry for the continued mis-fortunes

Drill a series of very small holes ( just large enough for a needle to go through). Use nylon thread to stitch the crack together and then epoxy over top of everything ( even super glue would work, once absorbed into the nylon thread and hardens it is forever)
Only other option would be to make another brace and attach from the top but I think that would look like crap. Guess tank manufacturers don't sell replacement trim... That would really be the way to go, complete replacement.

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Only other option would be to make another brace and attach from the top but I think that would look like crap. Guess tank manufacturers don't sell replacement trim... That would really be the way to go, complete replacement.

AGA replace the top trim on my 40B one time (well they sent me a new one and I had to install it).

I've done it before and I have the tools to replace the trim. It's going to be a matter of, is DB paying for it or am I going to pay for the brace. I have to email them and see what they say.

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