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65 to 120 Upgrade

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Well, yesterday I placed an order for a Deep Blue 120G reef ready tank.

I will be closing on a home in November and figured it would be best to have a tank setup and running at the house for a few weeks before I move livestock to minimize loss. It is also a good opportunity to upgrade to a bigger tank since I will have more room to play with. ;)

I picked up a 40B at AO to use as a sump and that's about all I have for the new tank right now.

I'm not sure if I will buy a stand or try my hand at building a stand for this tank. I will see how it goes as we get closer to setting up the tank.

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Got a call today that the tank is in! Now I have to work out getting it and find some place to put it for a few weeks.
The Deep Blue tanks are very nicely built. I had one initially, but I wanted to drill and they are 100% tempered so AO swaped itfor me and I ended up in a Perfecto.

Congratulations on the house and good luck with thw new system!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
WooHoo! Congratulations!

Now forget about the tank, I need to talk to you about finances…..a new kid….a new house….and now an upgrade to 120 gallons before you even move into that new house. I’ve got the wrong financial advisors. :(


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
WooHoo! Congratulations!

Now forget about the tank, I need to talk to you about finances…..a new kid….a new house….and now an upgrade to 120 gallons before you even move into that new house. I’ve got the wrong financial advisors. :(

Yea really! Haha. Congrats on both the new tank and new house Brian. I'm about to upgrade my 75 to a 120 soon and I'll need to build a new stand and canopy for it, so we'll have to share ideas at the Swap. ;)


NJRC Member
Nice! Where is the house? You know when it comes time you can give me a call and I can watch you do all the work!

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Thanks everyone!

Nice! Where is the house? You know when it comes time you can give me a call and I can watch you do all the work!

Haha Yep, you make a great project supervisor! :D

The house is down the street on the dead end, from where I'm at now.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Oh good, then you don't need a moving van? Just a couple dollies and a hand truck and you're good to go! :p

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I plan on setting up the 120, let it cycle, and keep the 65 running during that time. I'm going to get a radio flyer wagon, and the biggest cooler I can fit in the wagon. I'll put the livestock in the cooler and just wheel it down the block and a half to the house. :D

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Going LEDs on this tank! Went over to AO this weekend and I picked up two AI Vegas and controller.

I took one out of the box last night and WOW are these bright! The demo mode is really fun to watch. :D


NJRC Member
Going LEDs on this tank! Went over to AO this weekend and I picked up two AI Vegas and controller.

I took one out of the box last night and WOW are these bright! The demo mode is really fun to watch. :D

sweet deal!!! welcome to the LED world!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Note to self: Report Brian to the IRS…..and collect a reward! :devilish:

New house, new kid, new tank, and now new (over-priced) LED lights. How is he affording this? :eek:

Brian, congratulations on all you recent acquisitions. :grin:

Fish Brain

Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Note to self: Report Brian to the IRS…..and collect a reward! :devilish:

New house, new kid, new tank, and now new (over-priced) LED lights. How is he affording this? :eek:

Brian, congratulations on all you recent acquisitions. :grin:


All this came at a big and very painful cost.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Brian, you don’t need to explain it to me…..I had three deductions, a house (now mortgage free), a cheap craigslist tank and inexpensive Apollo lights. But the tank and lights were after the three deductions moved out (although some of them want to move back in….and are no longer deductions….just freeloaders.) Actuallly one has moved back in ……temporarily….until she finds a house at the beach…if it still exists after Sandy.