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A discussion on ATO choices, advice appreciated


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So, I have an Icecap that works OK and I was looking to put it on the new tank, but, as the tank is an AIO I'd have to cut the black back coating to allow the visual sensor to communicate between the in-tank and out-tank parts. But, I'm concerned that, even if I do this, the sensor itself will be in a very dark region of the tank (as there are fans and equipment over the tank blocking light from getting down into the filter section. Overall this thing works well, but has acted iffy on an occasion or two and it once overfilled the tank but not to spill level. On the new tank if this were to occur there would definitely be an overflow.
If I choose to try it is this a safe thing to do or will the darkness affect the sensor capabilities?

While pondering this I decided to simply go to Avast and grab a pressure sensor ATO. I have one on my main and it is, without debate, the best ATO I've ever owned by miles. Cost me about $125 two years back. So I went to the site aaaaannnnnnnddddd, guess what? Not sold any more. BUT the do have the 'new and improved' version with un-necessary bells and whistles (e.g. they added a float, which I can't fit in the tank anyway) at the up-price of $230. /sigh

I know the Tunze is the go-to, but at $200+ it's simply a dual float switch (or, at least was a few years back). Now, I do have a simple single float switch. Is there any way to wire a second 'safety' float into it that will shut off current if it's tripped? In that case I'd have pretty much a Tunze system for about $20.

If none of the above are viable, does anyone had advice on a solid ATO unit that can work in the bowels of an AIO tank? Money isn't a major issue but I'm a little defiant to be dropping hundreds on simple optical sensors or float valves.


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That's actually in my Amazon cart atm, but it is a sensor based system. Curious if it would work in a dark environment


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I'm a fan of the Autotopoff.com float switch also. Been using one for over 10 years. I just put one in a waterbox AIO and it's working great.


NJRC Member
I will never go back to using a ato.
I use the apex dos to add water to the tank.
I have it dosing exactly what I lose in evaporation.

I have a sensor that lets me know if my water in my sump is too low or too high l.
I can log on to my apex and make changes.

If you are not in the apex world. I am sure you can use a different dosing pump and do the same thing. They all come with apps so you can make changes
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Caution on the tunze. I have both the 3155 on my main display and the 3152 on my nano. The 3155 might not fit in the back if your AIO. I actually bought the bigger model because of how much I liked the smaller one…. Until the 3152 started to malfunction. I believe the larger one is fully made in Germany and a more reliable option. while the nano version is made in China. I originally had a cheap autoaqua top off I bought from marine depot 8 years ago. It was still going strong, but the power adapter connection started to loosen up.


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J - Yeah, agree on the Tunze. I recall having the large one many years ago and it worked fine in a 120. I think I them picked up the smaller one for a 40b and had 2 overflows.
Salt/Rap - think I'm leaning towards more mechanical than sensor atm.
Sub/Curt - I like that, especially as it looks so home-made, plus I have a few float switches around as replacement parts.
Amado - No Apex

Thanks all, looking into the autotopoff.com unit. Simple, easy to repair, and reasonable for a couple of floats and a control board.
I have the Tunze 3155 in my Nuvo 10 and I had it on my 120, running flawless for almost 3 years.

I had to build a base for the sensor to fit in the Nuvo 10 chamber.


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If you look on there web site you can get just the parts you need. autotopoff.com


NJRC Member
J - Yeah, agree on the Tunze. I recall having the large one many years ago and it worked fine in a 120. I think I them picked up the smaller one for a 40b and had 2 overflows.
Salt/Rap - think I'm leaning towards more mechanical than sensor atm.
Sub/Curt - I like that, especially as it looks so home-made, plus I have a few float switches around as replacement parts.
Amado - No Apex

Thanks all, looking into the autotopoff.com unit. Simple, easy to repair, and reasonable for a couple of floats and a control board.
Actually, Mark, now that i think about it i have an extra autotopoff.com setup I'd sell for a song...or like $20. ;-) Maybe 25 shipped to you. Was planning on listing it soon, just hadn't gotten that far yet. Used for about a month.
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Ultimate Corals

Gold Sponsor
Def go Tunze. I know it's more expensive but that's what I use on the shop tanks and my personal tank. The reliability is well worth it and when it comes to something that can flood your living room that's top priority. A nice feature on there also is you can set how long it will fill for. So if the float goes bad you can set the tunze to stop after 3 min or 5 min.


NJRC Member
If you're gonna spend that money , I'd just dose it with a dosing pump like a versa, u can get a switch controlled outlet and just set it to only work when you're gonna be around and stop at a maximum amount you program. Bonus you can put your ato container anywhere you can run ro tubing to. You can add kalk if you want down the road easier. Or under dose it and have a tiny gravity fed ato to keep the level good. It's a little over kill for an ato, I do it that way now and much prefer it most other ways I've tried.


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I've always run a tunze. I recently bought the new upgraded pump that took forever to come out.


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I have used Tunze since day one both the full and nano versions. Recently changed to AutoAqua SmartATO ($55) and very happy with the switch. Quieter, a lot less wire, optical sensor, shuts down if water pump is running more than 2 mins.

I don't trust any ATO. I have a Wyze cam pointing at it always and check at least once a day when I am not home. I also have the ATO on smart plug so I can remotely restart it.


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Give AO a call, IIRC they used to carry a knock off version of the Avast ato system.


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My top off - brute with to in basement connected to a mag 18 plumbed through floor to tank. Connected mag 18 to electrical strip next to tank. Fill tank evaporation. Also this is how I do water changes. Another brute in basement with salt water. Hit a switch and you’re done. No sensors or floats to go bad!