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A STEP BACK IN TIME TO 1982 (pics)


NJRC Member
Well going through old pictures today with the family and found some of my first reef back in 1982.It was a 135 with 2 2x175 watt halides and 2 40 watt flo. lights,sorry for the poor quailty of the pics but back then you got what you got and didn't know till you got the pic. back.






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NJRC Member
Thanks Dave

Meant to add,can you ID the third picture.It is a coral that is no longer collected,when I broke down the tank it measured almost 36" across.


NJRC Member
Brian said:
I agree with David!

Is that an elegence coral? That thing was huge!
Yes Brian you nailed it.As stated above it was almost 36" across.This species is no longer collected it was from tonga and they were collected in waters over 50' deep.
I bought this at Aqua Tropics now Absolute fish for about $30.00 SICK huh...

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NJRC Member
No under gravel,it had a wet/dry filter made from a garbage can.. :-[ and it had bio-balls as well.. :-[

But as you can see the tank worked great.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Those 25yr old pics look better than the ones I took yesterday with the digital camera.