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Accidental Chalice Fragging


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have a very large chalice that, after covering the rock its on, is actually “plating” out away from the rock. It is like a typical plate coral, except there are no eyes in this plating part. In the process of cleaning out clove polyps, I snapped off a piece of this plate. Now it has live tissue on it and is the color of the rest of the chalice, but again, no eyes. Here’s the question…..will these frags grow into this chalice (developing eyes) or will they eventually just die? I’ve mounted them on plugs right now.
Ive done that accidentely as well, and the part i snapped off eventually grew eyes and lived. Just my personal experience


Paul, most likely they will recover and pop out new eyes, but its different with every type of chalice. Most likely they will be fine. Happy new year bud!!
Ive fragged a few paul. Some pieces had no eyes and eventually eyes did pop up. U see them sold with 1 eye 2 eye etc cause thats where the money is. But u dont need a piece with an eye to frag.