• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.



NJRC Member
2 -WWC Yellow Tip: SOLD - huge pieces
2 -Wild Aussie Acros: $30
2 -TSA Carolina Reaper: $60
2 - WWC Aussie Green Slimer: $30-$40
1 - WWC Deep Water Milli: $40
1 - WWC Crimson Raider: $50
1 Left - TSA Bill Murray - $60
1 - Forest Fire Digitata Monti - $40
1 - ORA Oregon Tort - $50
1 - CR Daredevil

Pickup: Jackson, NJ
Last edited:


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Manny, nice to meet you. You're tank looks fantastic.
The yellow tip was indeed huge. Thanks for the freeebies.


NJRC Member
2 -WWC Yellow Tip: SOLD - huge pieces
2 -Wild Aussie Acros: $30
1 -TSA Carolina Reaper: $60
2 - WWC Aussie Green Slimer: $30-$40
1 - WWC Deep Water Milli: $40
2 - WWC Crimson Raider: $50
1 Left - TSA Bill Murray - $60
1 - Forest Fire Digitata Monti - $40
- ORA Oregon Tort - $50
1 - CR Daredevil
1 - WWC Taste the Rainbow - $70
Updated: 10/29/22

Pickup: Jackson, NJ