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Advice for getting out of the hobby?


NJRC Member
Hi all,

Getting out of the hobby very soon and looking for some advice. Not sure if it is easier to try and sell the entire system as is or slowly start to sell off livestock before selling off the equipment? Not really sure if there is enough interest on the board for someone looking to buy an entire setup...sounds easier but at the same time sounds like a ton of work all at once.

Def. Better off selling off equipment. Chances of someone wanting to purchase an entire setup are slim and if so they are not going to be willing to pay the price you are probably going to ask for. You can def recoup some of your money by parting everything out.


Gold Sponsor
I'd split it up. List a price for all the livestock and then a price for all the equipment. I think it will be easier trying to sell it that way and you'll probably get more then if you listed the setup.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I just did this. So this is what I did.
I sold the extra stuff I had in the garage. Salt/ non life suppor fist.
I sold all the live stock to one person. I took less money but I wanted my fish to be happy and alive. If I would have sold each fish separate I would have sold it for more but it would have been a sh!t show. I sold it to one person and my fish are all happy and healthy. I sold all corals also to some one prrson.

Then I sold all apex/and lights. I sold all frag tanks to one person. I gave an away the 220 on Facebook. Thing like tanks and wave makers that could be used on salt and fresh water I would post on Facebook.


NJRC Member
I just did this. So this is what I did.
I sold the extra stuff I had in the garage. Salt/ non life suppor fist.
I sold all the live stock to one person. I took less money but I wanted my fish to be happy and alive. If I would have sold each fish separate I would have sold it for more but it would have been a sh!t show. I sold it to one person and my fish are all happy and healthy. I sold all corals also to some one prrson.

Then I sold all apex/and lights. I sold all frag tanks to one person. I gave an away the 220 on Facebook. Thing like tanks and wave makers that could be used on salt and fresh water I would post on Facebook.
Thank you!