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Advice for new bio cube owner

If you are using a swing arm, get it accuracy verified. I had one that was way off, and although my salinity indicated 1.024, it was actually 1.029. I bought a second one , but I will get a refractometer soon. For now I ocasionally have my lfs check it for me.


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Those swing arms are notorious for inaccuracy, even when clean and maintained. Theres various stories about with these... http://www.amazon.com/Milwaukee-MA887-Refractometer-Temperature-Compensation/dp/B007Z4ITWU but I picked one up over a year ago on advice of a few people. One of the best equipment purchases I've made. If you look around you can often find them on sale for under $80. Combined it with an ATO as mnat recommended and you're golden on your salinity.
I have a refractometer you can use if you want. No set up for me as of yet. Also check the back compartments for the clown, in my 12 gal cube my Benny used to routinely get into back chamber somehow. Feed tiny bits till fish get used to you. The salinity is difficult if you are using a swing arm. I've got the refractometer/calibrated if you want.
The compartments in the back - you could do a DIY chaeto for one, or purchase an in-tank bc media basket - which could hold purigen or chemipure or other filtration. You could even add floss for mechanical filtration (but you'd need to periodically clean this out).

There are many great ideas if you google a search for biocube modifications. what size Biocube are you using?

clownfish that size can be excellent jumpers. But that size they can also be a snack.
The compartments in the back - you could do a DIY chaeto for one, or purchase an in-tank bc media basket - which could hold purigen or chemipure or other filtration. You could even add floss for mechanical filtration (but you'd need to periodically clean this out).

There are many great ideas if you google a search for biocube modifications. what size Biocube are you using?

clownfish that size can be excellent jumpers. An unmodified biocube typically has a gap along the back wall that a fish could jump over and into the back filter compartments. Did you check back there to see if the little guy is there?
BioCube 29 Fish Saver
So the Distom algae is getting worse. Now growing on inside glass of tank and more darkening of the sand. Questions 1) Do I just keep letting it grow? 2) Am I putting too much light into the tank? I leave the light on all day and switch on LED at night. 3) Would more water changes help? Ocean Gallery said 2-3 gallons per week for this size tank. Salinity is still fine. Just feel like algae is getting out of control. Thanks for the advice.

njtiger24 aquariums

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So the Distom algae is getting worse. Now growing on inside glass of tank and more darkening of the sand. Questions 1) Do I just keep letting it grow? 2) Am I putting too much light into the tank? I leave the light on all day and switch on LED at night. 3) Would more water changes help? Ocean Gallery said 2-3 gallons per week for this size tank. Salinity is still fine. Just feel like algae is getting out of control. Thanks for the advice.

1 - Don't just let it grow. Try to fight it but don't go too crazy.
2 - What lighting are you using? How long? All day seems too long. Try running your lights for about 10 our less hours total
3 - I do about 10% water change every other week

Check your flow, make sure there no 'dead' spots.

Hopefully more experience reefer will comment if the advice I gave is incorrect.
Hi njtiger24. Thanks for the advice! I'll clean off the inside walls of the tank. I have a 36W 10,000K Daylight Compact Fluorescent Lamp which I'm turning on around 7 am and off around 9 pm. At night I'm turning on the blue LED. Not sure if that's necessary or not? Sounds like probably too much light. Should I be doing more tests on the water? Should I get a test kit? At this point I'm only monitoring salinity. Maybe I should also go ahead and purchase another pump as suggested above.


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I agree the diatoms are pretty normal for A new tank. Just keep cleaning the Glass and keep up on your water changes. I would suggest getting a timer for your lights and run them about 8 hours a day. For testing I test alk every other day usually, calcium weekly, mag weekly and others like nitrate monthly or if I think something is up in the tank.

njtiger24 aquariums

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I agree with @kschweer about getting a timer for you lights. Lowes have a sweet power strip with a built in timer. I was using one for my lights until I moved them over to my controller. Also like @kschweer said your lights total should be 8 or so hours (this include the blue light) If I understand correctly the blue light is beneficial for corals. I run my Kessil A360we from 10:50am until 9:10pm and it ramps from blue to white back to blue. It also max out at 80% power. I then run my blue lights from 11:00am until 7:50pm. Again I am not sure this light schedule is 100% correct but its working for me.

Now I aim to test my water weekly and when I first started I was testing weekly but now I may miss a week here or there. I suggest getting a test kit and testing. I found testing helped me learn about this hobby and what is going on in my tank. Now there plenty of kits out there and everyone has their fav. Awhile back I compared three kits that most people were talking about. I tested the API Saltwater Master and API Reef Master kits, Red Sea Reef Foundation, and Salifert. I tested each kit one after each other for 6 weeks. Here is a video I did on them

Beside your return line/pump do you have any power heads/wave maker in there?

njtiger24 aquariums

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This is the timer I was using. Nice thing is left side is the timer and right side isn't. Allow you to run multiple devices on the same time. You can also set different on/off. some downside to this time is it needs to be reset everytime it loses power. If you set the 'on' time to a time before the current time it will not turn on until the next time it gets to that time.

Shop Utilitech Lighting Timer at Lowes.com


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This is the timer I was using. Nice thing is left side is the timer and right side isn't. Allow you to run multiple devices on the same time. You can also set different on/off. some downside to this time is it needs to be reset everytime it loses power. If you set the 'on' time to a time before the current time it will not turn on until the next time it gets to that time.

Shop Utilitech Lighting Timer at Lowes.com
i have 2 of these, personally I hate them for that same reason, they are supersensitive and the slightest tough will trigger it to lose power (at least mines does) the one from HF can be unplugged without having to be reset...but it is very bulky

njtiger24 aquariums

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@trio91 mine seem to run ok but like you said pain in the butt having to reset them all the time. now I don't need to worry cause my controller take over. My main reason why I like those was I had two lights on the timer and the right hand side could be used for non-timer equipment.


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I agree on getting a timer for your lights.

I suggest upgrading the pump. If you are using the stock pump you would be better off replacing it. I also suggest getting this FLO Oscillator FLO Rotating Water Deflector - Hydor - Bulk Reef Supply . This should fix any dead spots in your tank

I had this on my 6 gal tank and I never dealt with any nuisance algae.
I have the same Flo on my 10gal I'M and it works without any issues