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Allquatics Did not know


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I was at Allquatics today and asked if they stock ETSS skimmers and the two men looked at me like I was crazy. I asked if they ever heard of ETSS skimmers and they said was what is it. So I asked if they know what a MRC skimmer was and they said no. So I asked if they ever heard of Downdraft or Beckett skimmers. I was told they have no clue. I must have asked them many times You are Kidding Right. They said they still have no Idea.

The point is they work at a store that sell Aquariums, fish, and more but they had no clue what I was talking about.
It's rough times out there. I work in a restaurant that has a couple employees that don't have a clue either. The thing is it's hard these days to hire people who are as knowledgable as the owner or management. It takes years to build up the knowledge and know-how to run a store.

Even still Allquatics is a fresh and saltwater place and it could just happen that the two employees today knew more about fresh than salt.. considering they don't use skimmers in fresh water, right? (i'm not sure cause I never had freshwater fish).

Anyway I understand your frustration.... hope it doesn't turn you off to the store completely.
MikeNapoli said:
considering they don't use skimmers in fresh water, right? (i'm not sure cause I never had freshwater fish).

Wow - neat random fact. I figured almost everyone in this hobby started freshwater...perhaps another thread.

You could run a skimmer in freshwater but the bubbles would just keep popping and you'd generate virtually no skim/waste. In other words - it's pretty useless.

Of course some skimmers in saltwater cough cough sea clone are equally useless...

As for allquatics not knowing ETSS skimmers - look it could be worse - they could have said "those skimmers stink - why not buy THIS one we have in stock". I actually give em credit for being honest and saying "we don't know".

Anyways - Faith carries both those types of skimmers at tfjpetcenter.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
MikeNapoli said:
Anyway I understand your frustration.... hope it doesn't turn you off to the store completely.
No it will not turn me off from the store. But they should some thing about skimmers.