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ALTI's Meeting


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Just wanted to thank Alti for hosting a great meeting! Anyone who hasn't checked out his place really should. I had a lot of fun and met a lot of great people. Plus, I actually won some raffles for once Woo Hoo! ;D


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Great day, the food was great, as was the company. Unfortunately the Giants failed to perform, the only stopping the day from being perfect, lol! I would love to go up there when I could investigate the frag farm in detail and make him tell me all the secrets, lol!

Met lots of new folks that I hope to see around some more.

Alti, thanks so much for having our crew up there. How many folks did you have to throw out of there at the end of the night?!
Alti, Very cool setup. I had a grat time at my first meeting and won a couple raffles. Looking forward to future meetings.........



NJRC Member
great meeting... and good price for corals!!

Phyl, in case you haven't noticed... we are all fish/coral geek... it seems no one cares about the Giants (except you...!?)
yea alti's meeting was great I love all the corals and leather and zoos everything was great looking I wanted to buy them all lol yea but if u want quality for frags he the man
excelent meeting, meet new people, and the food ;D just the best, thank you alti for host the meeting


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
This was another great meeting.  Lot's of people (new and old) to chat with.  The food was great.  A lot of interesting stuff to look at.  Pool Table, Giants game.  Wow! 

OK, confession time:  I was just as interested in what was going on under those tables in the frag room!  What a great plumbing set-up, Alti.  One of these days I'd like to get a tour of that whole thing.  Really, really impressive.

And Jason, I think you may have started a tradition - Pre-meeting Hooters, when possible!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Oh yeah, One other comment:

"And the winner is . . . Brian.  And the winner is . . . Brian.  And the winner is . . . Brian.  And the winner is . . . Brian."

(Actual raffle audio, not a broken record  ;D)  Congrats, Brian!
thanks to all for coming. it was a pleasure meeting you all. i waas a little unprepeared for so many people so im glad everyone had a good time. i hope everyones frags are happy in there new homes.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
JohnS_323 said:
Oh yeah, One other comment:

"And the winner is . . . Brian.  And the winner is . . . Brian.  And the winner is . . . Brian.  And the winner is . . . Brian."

(Actual raffle audio, not a broken record  ;D)  Congrats, Brian!

**Puts on a sneer and shakes hips**

Thank You, Thank You very much.. 


I finally made up for all the times I have lost my shirt for those raffles.

On a side note.. People keep talking about the Giants game.

What GAME!?!?!  :p

Go Skins!
Thanks Alti! Nice to finally meet you in person and check out the "farm"... Lookin good man.. We need to talk about some leather trades for sure.. And if you want to bounce ideas off me for Phase II and III, let me know. Always willing to lend a hand with design (just ask some of the people who made it to my place, they can vouch for my master plumbing ability)..

As for the pics, I need to resize them (the D70 native resolution is 3000x2000) then I will be posting them.. And I got tons.. Some good "embarrasing" ones too.. Definately a Phyl shot or two!