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Amazon has Eshopps Sumps on lightning sale if someone needs.

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JR please don't take this as a negative comment towards you in anyway, but eshopps sumps are way over rated. there is no way that tiny sump is rated for a tank 225-300 gallons. that's horrible! for the money you might as well spend it on a custom sump. i paid 350 for my sump that's 44"x16"x16" with a media chamber, skimmer, fuge, and thicker acrylic. It says that the r300 has a capacity of 35 gallons, so you can only assume at operational level it's about 2-25 gallons. 25g sump on a 225-300g tank?! lol no thank you eshopps.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
They might have changed the title, because they are calling it a refugrium now which makes more sense.
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