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Anemone needs to move

So, my new BTA is hiding in the corner where the lighting is poor. I am hesitant to move him myself, but will he move on his own up the rock structure to the better light when he feels like it?


NJRC Member
Mine hid for a while when it was first added. after it settled (but before it found a spot) it split. One of the two settled within a day of the split in a nice visible spot near the top of the rock work - the other half is always on the move - like a fugitive. About a week ago it landed on a powerhead and that is the only time I moved it manually. It's moved since then, down to the sand, back to the top of the rock and side to side - like where's waldo every morning to see where it is for the day. So it will decide and moving it will only serve to piss it off. I doubt you could ever force one to stay in the spot you would like it. at least that's been my experience


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
BTA's are notorious for moving around until they find a happy spot. Dave's right. Don't bother manually moving it because it can't be trained, lol.

Flow is as much the issue as the light. They need that perfect combination before they are happy. Hopefully it winds up in a spot where you can see it.

Good Luck!
BTA's are notorious for moving around until they find a happy spot. Dave's right. Don't bother manually moving it because it can't be trained, lol.

Flow is as much the issue as the light. They need that perfect combination before they are happy. Hopefully it winds up in a spot where you can see it.

Good Luck!

1+ RBTA will always move any where it pleases. Till it find hes favorite spot in the tank.
So, the consensus is to just let him be... Ok thanks. I have read about people hurting the foot trying to move it so I was wary about it to begin with.
Yes let him be and be ready to move your corals out of his way. Mine have usually set up shop right in front of a powerhead on a wavemaker.
I a, feeling much better, because it appears that my anemone is doing much better. He looks good now but still hiding in the corner. He was shrinking, mouth agap. While at work today he looks more normal and moved slightly upward. I plan on feeding him some brine shrimp tonight.


NJRC Member
BTA Caveat

Getting a BTA to move to where you would like it to be is an effort akin to herding cats, and probably not worth your time. That said, there is a caveat --- I've had more than one RBTA hide out in the rocks away from direct light. When they finally emerge they're small and mostly white with some really beautiful neon pink tentacle tips. One LFS (which I shall not mention by name) gets some really inflated prices for these "rare pink BTAs". IME, these pink BTAs take a long time to recover their symbiotic algae, if they ever do at all. (Don't buy one!)
They can be a pain to move because of the "foot" issue, you need to go slow until you can get underneath it. Even then it will go where it wants so unless you are moving it out of the tank it is not worth it.
I am just going to keep him where he is. I fed him some mysis shrimp last night using chop sticks. It worked out fairly well. Any suggestions for other things I should feed him?
I am just going to keep him where he is. I fed him some mysis shrimp last night using chop sticks. It worked out fairly well. Any suggestions for other things I should feed him?

I buy the long bamboo skewers at the grocery store and use them for feeding tools. I usually buy some fresh shrimp, bay scallops and talapia, and cut them up into appropriate sizes.


NJRC Member
I buy the long bamboo skewers at the grocery store and use them for feeding tools. I usually buy some fresh shrimp, bay scallops and talapia, and cut them up into appropriate sizes.

do you have room in your tank for a 260 lb guy? b/c that spread sounds yummy to me. I promise to earn my keep contributing to the CUC duties and if you'd consider adding lobster to the menu I could learn some tricks for added entertainment
I buy the long bamboo skewers at the grocery store and use them for feeding tools. I usually buy some fresh shrimp, bay scallops and talapia, and cut them up into appropriate sizes.

Yeah, I think I have some of those as well. I was thinking talapia too since we had that for dinner the other night, only it was after my wife breaded it and cooked it. Oh well, next time.
Krill is something that I always fed mine. Mine is in the back far corner so getting to it is not so easy but the krill are simple.
do you have room in your tank for a 260 lb guy? b/c that spread sounds yummy to me. I promise to earn my keep contributing to the CUC duties and if you'd consider adding lobster to the menu I could learn some tricks for added entertainment

I'm waiting to hear back from "Tanked" and "Ripley's", maybe we can do something here.


NJRC Member
I'm waiting to hear back from "Tanked" and "Ripley's", maybe we can do something here.

I think if that guy Brett from Tanked is involved I'm gonna have to back out, sorry, I LOVE seafood - shellfish especially but I just can't stand the sound of his voice