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anemone not fully extending

so i bought this litlle rose bubble tip home on wednesday and it was completely extended now only extends a few of its arms is it okay?Picture 003.jpgPicture 004.jpgit is currently in a 14 biocube under the stock pc lights
it's normal for anemones to contract and expand...

however maybe someone else can chime in but I am more concerned about the coloration of your specimen...it seems a little bleached (which would mean it expelled the symbiotic algae in it's body and will have a hard time getting any energy from photosynthesis).

When you put it in the tank - did you notice if the tentacles were "sticky"? stickiness tends to indicate health, lack of stickiness means it's so depleted in energy it can't even sting things for nourishment...
I have never seen/heard of a rainbow (but that don't mean to much). Like any critter it may just need some adjustment time to your system. Over the next couple of feedings make sure it gets some to help it along just in case it is bleached out.
well that's news to me on the rainbow BTA...never heard of it...but of course google is a pal and here's a pic (assuming no photoshop).

But yours looks really pale in comparison....definitely keep an eye on it. If it is a rainbow that's a nice score. I'm not sure stock PC lights are ideal. Good luck!

i've got a rainbow had it for over a year awesome nem... you wont know if this is a rose or a rainbow for another month or two. its def bleached its not completely bleached but its bleached and can def be brought back feed it every other day fresh diced scallops or mysis shrimp, not much nothing bigger than its closed mouth this food will give it the energy it needs to allow the photosynthesis to take place for it to get its color back. should be an awesome nem good luck!
also i dont think its a rose after looking at the pix a little more.. looks like a purple rain hence the cool purple tips and the awesome white speckles on the tentacles.. again wont know until it starts getting color back.. just feed it and you'll be fine. i brought one back that was crystal clear
Your BTA is bleaching meanning it isn't healthy at all. how strong is your light?
I use to have my RBTA is the same manner however I be able to bring it back to life again. in order for us to help, please post your water parameters, flow in your tank (strong, medium, weak) power head placement and most important of all light.

I saw you post your PC light. I think your light might be OK since your tank is small. keep the water parameters as close to perfect as you can and slowly feed it little of mysis for now. a few mysis. don't force it to eat. feed it 1 a week. few mysis = 3-4 mysis. observe it behavior during feeding and post back
Try getting some frozen silver sides... let it thaw for a while and then cut them into little pieces and try to place it right by it's mouth. I had a great RBTA that recently started to bleech as it wasn't getting any food b/c my tangs (4 of them) kept stealing from it. However, after ensuring it was fed every other day for about 2 weeks.. it came back to life with it's color coming back as well. Strong lighting and the proper PH plays a big role, as well as, your nitrate level.