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announcement... Ring!

Thanks again!

as i get up from the floor from Brians question....
actually I've been getting it from the parents since like a year in with Jen. haha It's mainly because i'm an only child, but large family on my dads side (usually 35 or so at thanksgiving). I could probably make a list myself! haha
Well, Deb, we're hoping for next august (summer -jens a teacher), but if buying a house and funding a wedding adds up to much it'll be pushed back.
Congrats and lots of luck with the stupid questions. My favorite was always the "when are you having kids" question too.

Are we gonna get to see a picture of the ring ;D Thats normally a girl's first question!!!

This is something I tell all my friends when they say they got engaged - and it's purely my sarcastic humor -

"You were sober right when you asked?"

But usually perhaps that question should be directed to the woman saying yes... ;D

I'm joking I'm joking!
Thanks again all...

Yeah Phil, we were sober. hahaha :eek: but the bubbly popped after. :p hehe

Ed, she knows. unfortunately. ;D