That is great news. From now on we'll be expecting an update everyday at the minimum.
Tito said:He made it! He can see food and feed. Swimming around the pillars and arches with no problems. Ten days of treatment with Maracyn II and some Maracyn. Nice......!
NapoliNewJersey said:Tito don't get discouraged. Try starting with the more hardy ones and then when you get up to a more stable set up and more routine system then you can move onto the more exotic fish. I'm like you .. I have an Achilles tang, Watanabe Angel and a Helfich Firefish ... all over $100 each and I would be heartbroken if I lost any of them. Good news is, I've had each for a long while now and they are all doing really good. But I started with clowns and chromis. My first expensive fish was a Hippo (still have him too) but I was really scared when I got him. I was only a few months into the hobby.
p.s. everytime I see this thread under unread posts I get worried. Good luck with him.