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Anthias, Tangs, Angel, Clowns for Sale 07006

Breaking Down 180g tank, all livestock must go first then I will add equipment.

All fish are healthy and eating like pigs. If you purchase the tangs or angel you will need a bucket as they are large fish. I will need assistance catching them as they are currently in my DT.


1. Trio Maldives Lyretail Anithas - $140.00
- 2 Female + 1 Male
- Purchased in July, added to DT 8/16/2014
- Eating: Mysis, Rod's frozen food, NLS Pellets

2. Sea & Reef Black Neon Dottyback - $30.00
- Added to DT 8/23/2014
3. Sea & Reef Premium Picasso Clownfish - $200.00
- Added to DT 8/23/2014

4. Purple Tang - $180.00
- Approximately 4"
- Added to DT Fall 2014 (unsure exact date)

5. Powder Blue Tang - $140.00
- Approximately 4"
- Added to DT 12/21/15
- Eating: Mysis, Rod's Frozen, Brine Shrimp, NLS Pellets, Rod's Seafood

6. Emperor Angelfish Juvenile (Transitioning) - $160.00
- Approximately 4.5 - 5"
- Added to DT 12/21/15
- Eating: Mysis, Rod's Frozen, Brine Shrimp, NLS Pellets, Rod's Seafood

Pickup is 07006, Open to Best Offers, if purchase multiple will offer discount, no low ballers!
Maxspect Gyre 150 w/ Icecap Battery Backup - $400 OBO
- Gyre 150 - $259.99
- Additional Controller - $69.99
- Upgraded Ruggedized Propellers - $24.99
- Factory Propellers
- Silent Upgraded Mount - $39.99
- Factory Mount
- Icecap Battery Backup - $109.99

1. Sea & Reef Black Neon Dottyback - $20.00
- Added to DT 8/23/2014

2. Purple Tang - $160.00
- Approximately 4"
- Added to DT Fall 2014 (unsure exact date)

3. Emperor Angelfish Juvenile (Transitioning) - $150.00
- Approximately 4.5 - 5"
- Added to DT 12/21/15
- Eating: Mysis, Rod's Frozen, Brine Shrimp, NLS Pellets, Rod's Seafood

4. approx 175 lbs of liverock + 15 lbs dry rock - $260 for whole lot

Pickup is 07006, Open to Best Offers, if purchase multiple will offer discount, no low ballers!


1. 20 Gallon Long + Wood Stand - $40.00
- stand is similar to picture below
- tank has not been used with any meds/treatments
- stand needs new paint job, but is solid

Picture (NOT ACTUAL STAND) http://img0127.psstatic.com/18023688...-aquarium-.jpg

2. 55 Gallon Long + Metal Stand + Large Hob Filter - $120.00
- stand is metal frame, great condition
- tank has not been used with any meds/treatments
- Hob filter is larger penguin I believe, works well

3. Maxspect Gyre 150 w/ Icecap Battery Backup - $400 shipped OBO
- Gyre 150 - $259.99
- Additional Controller - $69.99
- Upgraded Ruggedized Propellers - $24.99
- Factory Propellers
- Silent Upgraded Mount - $39.99
- Factory Mount
- Upgraded Cages
- Icecap Battery Backup - $109.99

4. NextReef MR1 Monster Reactor - $140.00

5. 2 x AI SOL Blue w/ original controller - $320.00
- each fixture has 1 led white bulb out on one of the pucks, rest work perfectly fine

6. Jebao DC12000 - $90.00

Pickup of equipment in either 07006, 08830, 07054 or can meet at Absolutely Fish in Clifton or Sea Level Aquarium in Pine Brook
Maxspect Gyre 150 w/ Icecap Battery Backup - $380
- Gyre 150 - $259.99
- Additional Controller - $69.99
- Upgraded Ruggedized Propellers - $24.99
- Factory Propellers
- Silent Upgraded Mount - $39.99
- Factory Mount
- Upgraded Cages
- Icecap Battery Backup - $109.99

4. NextReef MR1 Monster Reactor - $120.00

5. 2 x AI SOL Blue w/ original controller - $300.00
- each fixture has 1 led white bulb out on one of the pucks, rest work perfectly fine

Remaining that needs to be sold:

1. Sea & Reef Black Neon Dottyback - $20.00
- Added to DT 8/23/2014

2. Purple Tang - $140.00
- Approximately 4"
- Added to DT Fall 2014 (unsure exact date)

3. approx 175 lbs of liverock + 15 lbs dry rock - $250 for whole lot
1. Maxspect Gyre 150 - $240 shipped OBO
- Gyre 150 - $259.99
- Upgraded Ruggedized Propellers - $24.99
- Factory Propellers
- Silent Upgraded Mount - $39.99
- Factory Mount
- Upgraded Cages

2. Icecap Battery Backup - $85 shipped

3. Maxspect Gyre 150 controller - $45 shipped