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Any Flyers Fan?

It was a good game! And the series was closer than the record indicates. Well it's time for the old favorite, "There's always next year!" ;)

Rich, as much as I love ya man, there are only two teams in the NHL that a long time Ranger fan absolutely can not wish well in the playoffs. And you happen to support one of them.

Unfortunately Brian cheers for the other one. ::)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
blange3 said:
Rich, as much as I love ya man, there are only two teams in the NHL that a long time Ranger fan absolutely can not wish well in the playoffs. And you happen to support one of them.

No problem Bill, to a Flyers fan, the Rangers are the NY Giants of the NHL. ;)
RichT said:
blange3 said:
Rich, as much as I love ya man, there are only two teams in the NHL that a long time Ranger fan absolutely can not wish well in the playoffs. And you happen to support one of them.

No problem Bill, to a Flyers fan, the Rangers are the NY Giants of the NHL. ;)

Oh, so you really love the Rangers! ;D
ReeferNets said:
Although i do not hate the flyers i dislike them. I will thou be rooting for them since of the proximity to me

That's because you are too young to know any better! You weren't hockey aware during the Broad Street Bully Days!

And I have never accepted Dave Schultz's apology. ;D


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Officer Emeritus
blange3 said:
You weren't hockey aware during the Broad Street Bully Days!

Best time in NHL history.

It will be good to see the Flyers and Rangers in the Conference Finals.

Oh wait.......the Rangers were eliminated!
RichT said:
the Rangers were eliminated!
too bad there wasn't an on ice implosion to go with it. Well only 53 more years till the Rangers to make the cup finals again. :p

(I'm in the doghouse at home because I had the game on and my wife saw the ending of the game)
I didn't know we had so many Ranger haters. :eek:

Maybe I need to move over to Manhattan Reefs for awhile. ::)

In the meantime I'll get my trade selections ready for Glen Sather.
Could be worse... look at Ottawa's demise.

PS the Rags can't trade anybody yet. 3/4s of the team are free agents :p

(It's not hating, just friendly repeated pokes to the spleen)
Lets Go Pens! Lets Go Pens!

Oh boy here is where I get in trouble for being a transplanted Pittsburger.

No animosity here for the Pens. I don't care for Ruutu, but other then him i like the team

I don't think Crosby is a diver, but I do think that the NHL is protecting him a bit so he can become another Gretzky type star.

And I will be cheering for the Pens next round! (As he hides from RichT)
Instigators are hated by fans of every team that they don't play for...Avery for example.
All top players get some calls rightly and sometimes by chance...Jags used to get them when he was a Pen. Top skill players are going to get calls just because they are better then other guys. I know I got my share of penaties called on me by being slower then the young guys a few years ago, it just is the way it is. Of course it was fun to just check the little whipper snappers too, so maybe it was worth it ;).


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Officer Emeritus
As much as I want to see the Flyers win, I don't see either team having much for the Wings. The Flyers win with heart and will, while the Wings are simply a machine. The Wings were taking a nap in game 4 with the Stars.


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vincent6396 said:
I'm very happy they got this far already :).
I'm with you on that one Vincent! Having finished last last year, I don't think may expected to see them get anywhere near this far.
vangvace said:
Don't worry Rich it'll be a short SCF. Might want to find some tapes from '97 to get yourself ready. ;) :p

Got to get through this round first before you make those predicitions. Looks like the fourth game nap wasn't quite finished. ;D

I think the Pens will match nicely with the Wings and I don't see it going less than 6 games.