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any good way to raise pH?


NJRC Member
  • my 210g + 40g sump was using the basic test kit for a year, the color "seems" normal as 8.2
  • recently got a new pH-meter
  • test it with the meter, it shows as 7.82
  • I tried with Lime water for about 2 days it went up to 7.94
  • but after two more days, it still at 7.99
  • may be i should put more?
  • i wanted to raise it to 8.20

Please help to advise for this issue...

Best Regards,
Have you considered a Ph buffer, I think the one I use is made by Seachem. It will safely raise your Ph to 8.3 or so without the risk of overshooting.


NJRC Member
a friend suggested that too...
i may try it that way... i will do some research to see which one is good (and cheap)...
I'd check and correct my Magnesium level to 1350 then check and correct the calcium also check and correct KH, if all that is in order do a BIG water change!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You may also want to check your dKH and if that number's in line then check for a CO2 issue. Trapped CO2 will lead to a supressed pH. If you are able to swirl a cup of tank water (or leave it sit for a while) and get a better number out of the water then you may want to look to fans over the sump and/or tank to help get rid of the CO2 build up.


NJRC Member
whitesquall and Phyl,

thanks for help... i will try to measure and test the water...

best regards,
yeh she's right, if your tank is enclosed your Co2 level will keep the ph down, a good way to check is to leave a cup of tank water outside for like 2hours and then check it.... If it reads higher then you will need to get more fresh air to the tank, it could be as easy as running 1/2" tubing outside and let your skimmer pull that air in.
